Sunday, January 2, 2011

Old Brazillian Wax Job Image



Latin America and much of the world celebrated in the 1st January 2011, the takeover of Milda Rousseff as the first woman president of Brazil. Born December 14, 1947, it quickly became the early 1960s, an outspoken campaigner against the dictatorship that was required then the Brazilian people.

"Roussef joined the resistance movement against the Brazilian dictatorship of the 60s. Arrested in 1970, tortured for 22 days, convicted by a military tribunal, she was held for 3 years until 1973. At the time of her detention, she was called Joan of Arc of the guerrillas, because of its ideological importance in the movement. In December 2006 she was awarded compensation. "

Such event has resulted in numerous meetings, some particularly significant for Latin America. I would meet in a special way highlights the presence of Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan president as the press usually presents as more and more lonely and isolated.

First a warm welcome by former President Ignacio Lula. Those who follow the news Latin America know that both men are devoted enormous respect and friendship that unites them is no stranger to the general project of Latin America dreamed Bolilvar. Lula has been a giant of international politics in Brazil. It has enabled Brazil to occupy an important place in international debates and in the so-called emerging countries.

Everyone knows the tensions between the Obama administration and the Venezuelan government. Most recently these tensions have increased because The ambassador appointed by Washington was not accepted by Venezuela. The reason was simple and well known Washington: Palmer, the nominee as a future ambassador, had proved by his remarks and comments on Venezuela, its President, as unworthy to occupy this high position allowing no interference the country's internal affairs. On this point Chavez was firm. Washington responded by removing the Visa Ambassador of Venezuela in Washington. He recalled that relations between countries should be based on respect. So in the context of this background background that has made this impromptu meeting between Chavez and Hilary Clinton.

The ideological allies of Washington, Pinera Chile Santos and Colombia, but also partners of Venezuela in regional bodies such as UNASUR, MERCOSUR, OAS quickly joined the Secretary of State of the United States and the President of Venezuela, then under discussion. This meeting led to improvised some photos that speak much by themselves.

I can not 1st January 2011 to end this without calling attention to the 52nd Anniversary of the overthrow of Batista, the dictator who had the interests of the oligarchy to win people's interests. So it was a great victory for the Cuban people. Finally, people can put their shoulders to the wheel to respond primarily to the interests and needs. A revolution that had its heyday, its failures, but also enormous challenges.

The results after 52 years under the leadership of Castro, as we used to say in our communities, remains extremely positive in many aspects. First I can not emphasize enough the huge leaps made in terms of human progress in the areas of health, education, international solidarity. Just look at neighboring countries, still under the influence of prevailing oligarchic powers under the watchful eye of Washington, like Haiti, Honduras, Colombia and Chile still even among the 10 countries where the gap between revenues the highest and lowest income is the greatest.

Victim, for over 50 years of criminal economic blockade that condemned year after year the UN General Assembly and constantly harassed by groups, funded with millions of dollars annually with its northern neighbor, whose sole purpose is to destabilize the government and to sow chaos, Cuba resisted and, despite everything, there are managed to ensure its people the essential foundations for a life that inspires respect. Far from resting on its laurels, the revolution continues by questioning with increasing thoroughness to fit the changing world and to new realities. Far from being an acquisition of a day, it is a continual movement to meet priority to the basic necessities for the common good of his people and those of international solidarity which reflects so well the Cuban medical brigade in Haiti.

Let 2011 be the year for all those heroes and witnesses of a new world without ever building a source of inspiration and innovation. Long life to those whose gaze reaches the most humble of the earth.

Oscar Fortin

Quebec, January 2, 2011


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