Whoever looks at humanity from the perspective of the fundamental values it aspires to soon realize that the paths taken by the powers that dominate this world are without services. The media often subservient to them, may use language that would require, but can no longer hide the injustices, lies, manipulation, corruption, wars and many other resources too, all at the service not a better human being for the earth, but a better life for these elite characterized by greed, dominance and prestige.
Whichever way we look, whether to Africa, Asia, the Middle East or Latin America, conflicts are multiplying and struggling artisans of these conflicts, through the media, to gain the good graces of the people who bear the human and financial costs. All means are good and whether to create any part of the religious wars, terrorist attacks, military coups, they will. What happens next? How can the ordinary citizen to navigate? More importantly, how these two thirds of humanity he may be heard their distress, crying injustices and crimes against them?
All around us, the Haitian people can no longer get its act together, so strong is the pressure of some powers to control all of its powers: the political, economic and social . If the people of Haiti in 1804, was the first people in the Caribbean and throughout the South to gain independence and get rid of slavery, we must say that he has paid dear for this escapade. It is France who was provided with a compensation whose value today would look in the tens of billions of dollars. Moreover under the short reign of President Aristide's request was made that France repay Haiti. It is no coincidence that France is closely following the current elections and was one of three countries identified by the OAS to proceed with the recount. Clearly there is a candidate that the three designated countries (Canada, USA and France) do not want to see and it is the government candidate, Jude Celestin. Tell me where in all this, the interests of Haitians? Why do you think Aristide found himself on an overnight flight away from the leading his country? Why his political party could not participate in the current election and that his return was banned? Obviously we will say it for the good of the Haitian people, he so badly led and misled by a president become corrupted. An article to read about the deportation of President Aristide of Haiti and another on the candidate that we want absolutely to the second round, replacing Michel Martelly Jude Celestin:
What is true for Haiti is left with different accents in just about every conflict. More than ever, alternative information reveals that the official media do not say or subtly deformed. For this reason it must extend as much as possible. We are experiencing a crisis of truth and honesty in the transmission of information. Technologies and information sciences can make a truth from falsehood and truth a lie. They can turn a saint into a devil and the devil into a saint. Hence the importance of information alternative to occupy its place. Wikileaks demonstrated that alternative information has not said its last word and it can shake the pillars of the temple of the powerful of this world. Losing a fight is not necessarily lose the war. The war for the truth must allow for hope.
Fortin Quebec, January 14, 2011-01-14
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