Something new emerges from the world scene, something that was not as clearly as is the case today. People wake up and understand better than anyone what something new. Is that the curtains behind which lie the wire-pullers, those who control political power, judicial, financial, fall. They now appear unmasked, uncovered both in their greed and in their manipulation and lies. They can not hide or conceal their crimes and their pettiness. The whitewashed tombs within which they concealed their rotting just burst.
We're down to the various ideological ambitions to power for power in democratic choice between one party and another, but a qualitative leap in the consciousness of people power themselves to assume their own destiny. Informed and supported by the presence of new technologies, especially information and communications alternative, they can detect counterfeiters who pay their head and put them at the door. They have conquered fear. They have found a new solidarity.
When the Venezuelan people is raised in 2002 to chase the junta and their President back where he had placed three years earlier, he then gave a signal that the days of cheating was done. When the people of Bolivia, in 2008, made his long walk to the parliament to join its president hunger strike for several days, he showed that the real power belonged to them and that senators should run for approving their new constitution. Now it is the people of the Middle East who stand up and say it enough. Tunisia, Egypt and others that follow are the chains with which they are kept in poverty, misery and, perhaps more than anything in deception, cheating, lying, manipulation, theft pure and simple. This realization has hit their dignity as a person and as a people. They are outraged, hurt and angry.
Clearly these issues of custody and change of guards will not be realized without the great players of the dominant powers try to regain control of the situation, not with force of arms, but by Based in the people, like chameleons, to once again handle more subtly. Already, our media highlight certain figures that emerge from these crowds. It will take foresight and the instinct to detect counterfeiting. Anyway, the future situation will be similar in nature to that which is denounced and opposed by people carrying a new awareness of social and political realities.
In the book of the Apocalypse, there is a way to identify these whited sepulchres and the fate that awaits them.
"But the fearful, renegades, the depraved, the murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, in short, all liars, their lot is in the lake burning with fire and brimstone is the second death. " " Apocalypse 21.8
Oscar Fortin
Quebec, January 31, 2011
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