Monday, January 17, 2011

Crown Highlights Half Head



The great strategists of the forces that seek the good of the Haitian people have not said their last words. Soon there will be a president who will reach the end of his term without an elected successor. Moreover, it is unlikely that a second round could be held in short term. The report submitted by the OAS does not seem to persuade the Provisional Electoral Council, neither the President Preval. Disturbances are expected, making the holding of a second round rather problematic.

We have long known that Washington and France do not want the current president extends his term, nor do they want Jude Celestin, the government candidate, has any chance of reaching the second round and the Presidency. Especially not about to return Aristide to the country. So, imagine a scenario, Hollywood type, which could respond primarily to expect from France and Washington while allowing controlling mood swings of the people.

Yesterday evening, is come as a surprise, the former dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier President for life "of Haiti. Our official newspapers already preparing our hearts and minds to see the return of the murderous dictator, they say repent, the beginning of a new era. Moreover, upon his arrival in Port au Prince, he kissed, as do the popes, the soil of his homeland, a gesture full of dignity and respect. In sum, it was a dictator and a fraud of the worst kind, he returns with the soul of a repentant and a missionary. Already, we report the news, some say that the Duvalier era the country had more stability and security was increased. What, of course, to dream in this time of crisis but also to forget that the stability and security, at that time were due not to the needs of the people, but to the infernal machine of repression of the Tontons Macoutes. From this, the articles do not talk too much.

News reports say that Secretary of State of the United States, Mrs. Hillary Clinton will visit Haiti on Monday it and the Secretary General of the OAS, Jose Insulza. It does not say if would stay at the same hotel that houses the former dictator. The simultaneous presence of these three characters this time, promising something new. Anyway, if there is any evidence for the greater good of the people and democracy. How to think for one moment they could be otherwise? Are they not the "international community" and the "conscience of the people"?

Sometimes I imagine this exchange on Haiti between Obama and Sarkozy during their latest meeting. (Obama) "Why not a dictator, converted savior Jean-Claude Duvalier kind? He still has contacts in the industry and could count on the support of our two countries. (Sarkozy) When looking closer, democracy when people will not understand, is impossible. A good dictator will bring order and provide security. (Obama) Investors can work to rebuild Haiti, knowing that the reconstruction money is still there in the hands of Bill Clinton and they will be well paid. (Sarkozy): "It is not he who will dare claim to France the billionaire dollars requested by the Aristide government." (Obama and Sarkozy) "With Jean-Claude Duvalier, we have a person on whom we can count on to bring security and peace we need. "

If the poor people of Haiti has been independent in 1804, it's time he realizes that his destiny has long eluded him. But until when?

Fortin Quebec, January 17, 2011


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