1. 1. The joy of humble and sincere
There is no doubt that the news of the beatification of John Paul II, next spring, makes the joy of thousands of admirers and admirers who have seen or followed in his walkabouts during his many travels around the world. Certainly, he was invested with a charisma that won him the admiration and easy sympathy of humble people, people of good faith, all happy and all happy to see and hear so near the man and the pastor. In many ways, it became a "star" as become singers, music groups, sports enthusiasts. His personality and charisma made him a natural person who reached the peak of his form when in the presence of enthusiastic crowds.
1. 2. The joy of believing fundamentalist and traditionalist
beatification This also delight those whose faith is expressed and recognized in more traditional forms of the Church than in the more modern, generated by Vatican II. John Paul II will be able to put in the shade for some reforms to reinvigorate more traditional forms of religious practice. On the doctrinal level, he put at the forefront of his big fights, among others, contraceptives, the marriage of same sex, abortion, married priests, ordination of women, communism and liberation theology. Administratively, it will not give much substance to collegiate desired by Vatican II. During his 27 years of his pontificate he will have renewed almost entirely all the bishops and cardinals. Needless to say that the doctrinal and pastoral of these newly elected officials should correspond as possible to those of the Pope. Moreover, from 1989, all elected at such functions must take an oath in which they recognize, even on matters not finally clarified, "they adhered to the doctrines set forth by the Roman Pontiff or the College of Bishops , In exercising the authentic Magisterium, even if they did not intend to proclaim a definitive act. "Everything, in short, to reassure and please the more conservative tendencies of the Church and to silence dissent within the episcopate. Many will see a direct influence of Opus Dei, whose presence is greater in the Vatican and some see as the hidden hand who decide the appointments, including that of the popes. In sum, power with all that is most human, but also increasingly unhealthy.
1. 3. The indifference of many
For many others, I must say, this beatification, like all others, do not really mean anything. This is a practice inherited from past centuries that no longer fits the times we live. Besides, how credible can it be when she ignores real martyrs as was the case of Archbishop Romero in El Salvador and many other priests and lay people murdered for the cause of their commitments to the poor, and it is making a zeal rarely seen on the altars place the founder of Opus Dei, Josemaria Escriva, close to Franco and Latin American dictators? People are not without realizing that there is, like all powers, slide sets, influence, leading some faster than others in honor of a medal, and honorary promotion, in the case of the Church of beatification and canonization of. This procedure of the Church does not change the fate of the deceased in another world where her destiny leads. If he is with God, there remains, and if it is not, it will not become so over with the beatification. The goal is to provide models of life in the world, but this can not be done without the intervention of ideological considerations and the very fact, partisan. The priest or bishop murdered by communists in Poland will soon be considered a martyr to imitate. For cons, the same bishop or priest murdered by military dictatorships in Latin America will be considered rather suspect. Make an example of faith would be unhealthy for the community.
1. 4. Political commitments questionable
A highly debatable points of the reign of John Paul II is the political role he played in Latin America. It will been a strong contributor policies of President Reagan, among others, in its struggle against the Sandinista government and the revolutionary forces in other countries in the region. We will remember his visit to Nicaragua in 1983, where he presented himself as a true knight who would put this country on the path of democracy and freedom. The three priests involved in this government to important ministerial posts (Education, culture, external relations) and by endorsing their presence, according to John Paul II, the character "so-called" communist and atheist it would put the not. How not to remember Minister of Culture, the poet priest Ernesto Cardenal, who was waiting for her off the plane? Kneeling to receive his blessing, he rather enjoyed a remonstrance and a demonstration of authority that did not reflect much of the good shepherd that we present the Jesus of the Gospels. As to the Eucharistic celebration, in front of tens of thousands of people, it was hardly better. His speech inspired by opponents of the regime, became as much an insult to supporters and government supporters and that unacceptable interference for the government. He had no word to condemn the "contras," the force of mercenaries, financed by the Reagan and the Iran-Contra, seeking to overthrow the Sandinista government. The previous day, sixteen people were killed by the mercenaries and the mothers of the victims wanted the Pope to tell them some words of encouragement and pray for their son and daughters have fallen under the bullets of those mercenaries. It did not. The ceremony ended in confusion and it soon departed empty-handed catch his plane. These believers and believers had not recognized the messenger of the Gospel, but that of Reagan. Father Ernesto Cardenal told thereafter this visit not quite like any other. A very interesting story to read at the link located above.
Another highlight has been his visit to Santiago, Chile in 1987, still under the leadership of dictator Augusto Pinochet. The world was waiting for John Paul II capable, as he had been in Poland, to speak loud and clear. He expected that he denounces the thousands of killings, tens of thousands of tortured prisoners and expatriates. He spoke instead of fundamental freedoms, a diplomatic manner well not to enter in details. The Chilean people expected him to talk about democracy, violated since 1973. It did not. He reserved a special blessing to Pinochet and his relatives. In his public speeches he has been very discreet. If it were not for this speaker who suddenly left side of the text prepared for him, began to tell the Holy Father the pain of a people who had suffered a military coup followed by a bloody crackdown as never before, no one would have heard about the arrests, killings, disappearances, torture, imprisonment and tens of thousands of expatriates. The crowd cheered as if a morning dew fell over them. This woman had said that John Paul II had dared tell him yet that had been so good to the people of Nicaragua. Needless to say all these beautiful characters on the VIP did not know where to go. It had to be frail woman who say these things even at the risk of his own safety.
1. 5. The Medal of Freedom
is probably made this collaboration policy of the United States worldwide and especially in Latin America and the Soviet Union which will deserve the medal of freedom that Bush has given him during a visit planned for this purpose at the Vatican in 2001. Supporters of such freedom would be pleased, but those who are its victims and outsiders, could not but be profoundly sad. The Lord did not he say that "only truth will set you free", but now this medal is awarded by the very man who was lying openly to the world to justify the invasion of Iraq. A lie that was in addition to many others. CONCLUSION
John Paul II is certainly a monument that history can not ignore. Many questions remain unanswered and many interventions require clarification. Time will see more clearly. However, it is a pity he had requested before his death, which is destroying his personal archives. Without doubt a source of information for understanding these moments in history when he was closely associated. For his part, Benedict XVI seems particularly eager to make this beatification, thereby derogating from the rule requiring within 5 years prior to any procedure of beatification and canonization. To our knowledge, there is no fire in the house nor enough to justify such a derogation from the procedure. So where does this emergency?
Fortin Quebec, January 16, 2011
articles on JP II to the author on the internet ... ... ...
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