Monday, January 31, 2011

Ibm Thinkpad T60 Sound No Device


Something new emerges from the world scene, something that was not as clearly as is the case today. People wake up and understand better than anyone what something new. Is that the curtains behind which lie the wire-pullers, those who control political power, judicial, financial, fall. They now appear unmasked, uncovered both in their greed and in their manipulation and lies. They can not hide or conceal their crimes and their pettiness. The whitewashed tombs within which they concealed their rotting just burst.

We're down to the various ideological ambitions to power for power in democratic choice between one party and another, but a qualitative leap in the consciousness of people power themselves to assume their own destiny. Informed and supported by the presence of new technologies, especially information and communications alternative, they can detect counterfeiters who pay their head and put them at the door. They have conquered fear. They have found a new solidarity.

When the Venezuelan people is raised in 2002 to chase the junta and their President back where he had placed three years earlier, he then gave a signal that the days of cheating was done. When the people of Bolivia, in 2008, made his long walk to the parliament to join its president hunger strike for several days, he showed that the real power belonged to them and that senators should run for approving their new constitution. Now it is the people of the Middle East who stand up and say it enough. Tunisia, Egypt and others that follow are the chains with which they are kept in poverty, misery and, perhaps more than anything in deception, cheating, lying, manipulation, theft pure and simple. This realization has hit their dignity as a person and as a people. They are outraged, hurt and angry.

Clearly these issues of custody and change of guards will not be realized without the great players of the dominant powers try to regain control of the situation, not with force of arms, but by Based in the people, like chameleons, to once again handle more subtly. Already, our media highlight certain figures that emerge from these crowds. It will take foresight and the instinct to detect counterfeiting. Anyway, the future situation will be similar in nature to that which is denounced and opposed by people carrying a new awareness of social and political realities.

In the book of the Apocalypse, there is a way to identify these whited sepulchres and the fate that awaits them.

"But the fearful, renegades, the depraved, the murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, in short, all liars, their lot is in the lake burning with fire and brimstone is the second death. " " Apocalypse 21.8

Oscar Fortin

Quebec, January 31, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011

Change Driver License Pitcure Ny


In any profession of faith, there is a core , a kernel that must not be diluted by some other considerations, however noble they might be. In the Christian faith, nobody can dispute the fact that Jesus Nazareth is the cornerstone, the central character, without which no Christian churches could not exist. Similarly, no one can ignore the Father which it belongs and which he says is the perfect transparency "who sees me sees the Father." It is this last that says, speaking of Jesus at his baptism by John the Baptist, "Thou art my beloved son, he choose me over you" (Mk 1:11) and, more Later, he says through Paul that "by raising him from the dead, he is the man he chose to judge the world with justice. "(Acts 17, 31)

Jesus of Nazareth is the one that reveals to mankind the true meaning of this "kingdom of the Father" to which everyone is called to join to become artisans and witnesses. A reign like no other. The power of having it replaced that of solidarity and sharing, the power of domination and conquest, it overrides that of the service and support, the power of sound, it replaces that of simplicity and freedom.

This Father's kingdom inaugurated by Jesus of Nazareth, hit head-on the order of powers have emerged in the world. The truth is substituted for the hypocrisy and falsehood, justice to replace exploitation and domination, life supersedes the wars and violence in all its forms, mercy and compassion will override the adequacy and the hardness of hearts.

Conversion Is not this passage to this new way of being, this new kingdom of the Father on earth? "Thy will be done on earth as in heaven. This sense of conversion does not let himself does not discover it by looking at Jesus live with his relatives, his disciples, crowds, the outcast, the sick, the sinners, the authorities in place? Also, is not it somewhere in all that calls, challenges, disturbs?

So, with this background that I am subject to this exercise to say what constituted the core of my faith. I thought the result would be likely to interest a number.


In Jesus of Nazareth , perfect revelation of the Father,
In his absolute fidelity to His will on earth.

In man resurrected by the Father to judge
Established humans on earth.

In Reign of the Father on earth ,
In a new man, a new humanity.

In the Spirit which distributes his gifts as he sees good,
In its efforts to transform hearts.

In the truth that frees and opens spirits, Who
unveils the hypocrisy and deception.

In the justice which extends to all humans of the earth,
Who breaks the chains of ignorance and dependency.

In the life that puts an end to war and the looting of the universe, Who brings hope and
beauty on earth.

In the mercy that breaks down barriers of confrontation, Who
student and frees the minds and hearts.

In the love which grow in humans in everything he is
In solidarity that unites beyond all boundaries.

In the Father's house open to all people of the earth, new heavens In
in a new land.

In the mission of the apostles and prophets
in that of all people of good will.

In MEMORIAL confirms our faith in the risen Jesus, Who
refresh his word and his testimony of love. I BELIEVE

In the community of believers united Jeus of Nazareth,
In all people of goodwill working for a new world.


Fortin Quebec, January 28, 2011

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Proof Of Community Service Hours Letter


Quebec, January 22, 2011

Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of External

Canadian Parliament

Honorable Representative of the Canadian people,

I just read your statement calling on the government of Haiti to comply with the recommendations of the Report of the OAS on the first round of presidential elections. You know, if a number of us that the intervention of the Organization of American States (OAS) meets first and foremost to Washington's desire to change the announced results, placing Jude Celestin, candidate government party, second place and, as such, participating in the second round. In this approach, Clinton could count on you, the Secretary of the Organization of American States (OAS) and in France, very concerned about the presence of Mr. Celestin.

You know very well the OAS, who are members, as well as one who acts as Secretary General. I did not make you a purpose to convince you that he, Mr. Insulza, is a reliable ally on which Canada and the United States can count on. He gave evidence during the military coup in Honduras and more recently by a statement, quite out of his responsibilities as an agent against the enabling legislation passed by the National Assembly of Venezuela. It was not hard to convince him to create a special commission to verify the ballot, unacceptable in the interests of Washington, France and Canada. By pure coincidence, the three countries asked the OAS to compose the audit team were the same people who demanded the audit. Of the seven members selected, six were from those countries. It should not be clairvoyant to anticipate the main finding, namely the passage of the Celestine second the third rank and Martelly, from third to second. An operation much less expensive than a coup, like that of Honduras or the case of Venezuela, in 2002. A simple check of the vote is enough.

Compared ballot analyzed by experts from the OAS, I refer you to an independent study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), who wonders how the OAS and the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) could validate such a vote. First, the authors note that the participation rate does not exceed 22.9% of the total electorate. In addition, they show that the two candidates for the second round will go for only 6% and 4% of the votes of all the Haitian electorate. On this simple basis, talking about democracy and election valid, is already highly problematic. Now what about the exclusion of the most popular party, that of Mr. Aristide, the Lavalas? An exclusion is difficult to justify in a context where it is about democracy. What do raise serious questions about the democratic nature of such a ballot. And now what about the manipulation of votes, vote buying, corruption infiltrated all levels of players involved? Here is what the report's authors say:

"Based on the number of irregularities, it is impossible to determine who should enter the second round. If there is a second ballot will be based on assumptions and / or arbitrary exclusions. The report notes that the biggest problems in the electoral process took place before the day of suffrage: the prohibition of voting a dozen parties (including the most popular party), and "gargantuan task" of attempting to save hundreds of thousands of people displaced within the country, a task that was clearly a failure resounding. "I am convinced

did you learn anything by telling you these things. You know better than me and this is precisely where the low level. Indeed, Canadians are wrong in concealing these things and you empty meaningless words that should be used with great respect and responsibility. When you say you speak the international community in Canada, the United States, France and some other allies. You know that the international community includes 192 states and can not speak on his behalf without some sense of responsibility. It's the same for the word democracy whose meaning is one that puts people directly in connection with political power. Unfortunately, the use made of it is most often combined to cover political, corporate and oligarchic interests.

Canada is a large country with diverse ideas and orientations often contradictory. But there is a wealth of fundamental concepts that should not be recovered and used as a cover for anything. This is the case for democracy, the international community, international law, human rights. Even more important are those of truth, justice, freedom and solidarity. The Speech that you hold can only serve the domestic and disinformation, thus, democracy for which our soldiers are willing to go to war, killing and risking their own lives.

Mr. Cannon, the election of a government is not in Washington, but here in Canada. I know that Canadian politicians are soon courted, once the election is over, by the lobbyists who come from Washington and elsewhere. However, we hope that our elected officials have enough fabric and national pride to resist them and remain faithful to their Canadian voters and their values.

Sometimes I regret that time of the Honourable Lester B. Pearson, Nobel Peace, in the early 1960s. Then Canada was an international figure who inspired respect. Now, he gives the impression of being an appendage of its southern neighbor whose interests of solidarity are not the same as ours.


Fortin Quebec, January 22, 2011 International en haiti.html beyond those de-FOUND-by-loea-and-the-vine

Friday, January 21, 2011

Sample Counter Claim On Insurance

Preval threatened with exile

journalist Amy Wilentz
the Los Angeles Times wrote this weekend that " according to several sources, including the president himself, the international community has threatened to exile immediate Preval s it does not submit its interpretation of election results. "

We understand that the" international community "as part of this text is primarily in the United States, France and Canada, the three countries identified by the OAS to proceed with the recount of votes the first round. Of the seven specialists participating in this exercise 6 were from these three countries. It is pertinent to note that France, not part of the OAS member countries, has nevertheless been involved in this operation. Come find out why?

Yesterday, the Council United Nations Security, the representative of the United States, Rice, demanded that President Preval accepts in its entirety the report of the OAS, which eliminates the second round participation of the government candidate, Jude Celestin, for that of Martelly , the singer, who came third in the first round. The link to the third candidate for the OAS wants to move into second place describes somewhat the character he is.

"The U.S. ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, demanded that the Haitian authorities" a process credible that represents the will of the Haitian people. " Rice, speaking before the Security Council, called the Haitian electoral council to "implement the recommendations of the OAS," which found fraud. "We urge Haitian authorities to define a clear path that will lead quickly to the inauguration of a democratically elected and legitimate," she said, calling for the establishment of a "credible timetable." Le Devoir, 21 Jan

There is no doubt in the mind of Ms. Rice that the process can not be credible in the context of full acceptance of the Report of the OAS, the main perpetrators are agents of the United States, France and Canada. At the hearing, the urgency of a " democratically elected government and legitimate " is clearly at the heart of its concerns and those of the Government it represents.

In a paper published recently , I report data from an independent study by the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR). The authors ask how the OAS present as an observer at the first ballot, and the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) have been able to recognize the validity of the first round. With a turnout of 22.9%, many frauds at all levels of the parties, and giving results for the second round of candidates collecting only 6% and 4% of the total electorate of Haiti, we can not but wonder how to recognize an expression of true democracy whose foundation is the " People Power for the people ? Rightly the authors of the study of ERCP are questioning the validity of such election.

" Based on the number of irregularities, it is impossible to determine who should enter the second round. If there is a second ballot will be based on assumptions and / or arbitrary exclusions. The report notes that the biggest problems in the electoral process took place before the day of suffrage: the prohibition of voting a dozen parties (including the most popular party), and "gargantuan task" of attempting to save hundreds of thousands of people displaced within the country, a task that was clearly a failure. "

Again, it must be noted, the international community, in this case boils down to the will of the United States and its closest allies. They have nothing to do with a democratically elected and legitimate. What they want is to keep control of power in Haiti. The same pressures and threats exerted on the current President indicate how far they are willing to go to keep that control. believe they accommodate themselves more easily with a Jean-Claude Duvalier, dictator-looking a repentant .


Fortin Quebec, January 21, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Crown Highlights Half Head



The great strategists of the forces that seek the good of the Haitian people have not said their last words. Soon there will be a president who will reach the end of his term without an elected successor. Moreover, it is unlikely that a second round could be held in short term. The report submitted by the OAS does not seem to persuade the Provisional Electoral Council, neither the President Preval. Disturbances are expected, making the holding of a second round rather problematic.

We have long known that Washington and France do not want the current president extends his term, nor do they want Jude Celestin, the government candidate, has any chance of reaching the second round and the Presidency. Especially not about to return Aristide to the country. So, imagine a scenario, Hollywood type, which could respond primarily to expect from France and Washington while allowing controlling mood swings of the people.

Yesterday evening, is come as a surprise, the former dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier President for life "of Haiti. Our official newspapers already preparing our hearts and minds to see the return of the murderous dictator, they say repent, the beginning of a new era. Moreover, upon his arrival in Port au Prince, he kissed, as do the popes, the soil of his homeland, a gesture full of dignity and respect. In sum, it was a dictator and a fraud of the worst kind, he returns with the soul of a repentant and a missionary. Already, we report the news, some say that the Duvalier era the country had more stability and security was increased. What, of course, to dream in this time of crisis but also to forget that the stability and security, at that time were due not to the needs of the people, but to the infernal machine of repression of the Tontons Macoutes. From this, the articles do not talk too much.

News reports say that Secretary of State of the United States, Mrs. Hillary Clinton will visit Haiti on Monday it and the Secretary General of the OAS, Jose Insulza. It does not say if would stay at the same hotel that houses the former dictator. The simultaneous presence of these three characters this time, promising something new. Anyway, if there is any evidence for the greater good of the people and democracy. How to think for one moment they could be otherwise? Are they not the "international community" and the "conscience of the people"?

Sometimes I imagine this exchange on Haiti between Obama and Sarkozy during their latest meeting. (Obama) "Why not a dictator, converted savior Jean-Claude Duvalier kind? He still has contacts in the industry and could count on the support of our two countries. (Sarkozy) When looking closer, democracy when people will not understand, is impossible. A good dictator will bring order and provide security. (Obama) Investors can work to rebuild Haiti, knowing that the reconstruction money is still there in the hands of Bill Clinton and they will be well paid. (Sarkozy): "It is not he who will dare claim to France the billionaire dollars requested by the Aristide government." (Obama and Sarkozy) "With Jean-Claude Duvalier, we have a person on whom we can count on to bring security and peace we need. "

If the poor people of Haiti has been independent in 1804, it's time he realizes that his destiny has long eluded him. But until when?

Fortin Quebec, January 17, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Letters On Continuous Employment



1. 1. The joy of humble and sincere

There is no doubt that the news of the beatification of John Paul II, next spring, makes the joy of thousands of admirers and admirers who have seen or followed in his walkabouts during his many travels around the world. Certainly, he was invested with a charisma that won him the admiration and easy sympathy of humble people, people of good faith, all happy and all happy to see and hear so near the man and the pastor. In many ways, it became a "star" as become singers, music groups, sports enthusiasts. His personality and charisma made him a natural person who reached the peak of his form when in the presence of enthusiastic crowds.

1. 2. The joy of believing fundamentalist and traditionalist

beatification This also delight those whose faith is expressed and recognized in more traditional forms of the Church than in the more modern, generated by Vatican II. John Paul II will be able to put in the shade for some reforms to reinvigorate more traditional forms of religious practice. On the doctrinal level, he put at the forefront of his big fights, among others, contraceptives, the marriage of same sex, abortion, married priests, ordination of women, communism and liberation theology. Administratively, it will not give much substance to collegiate desired by Vatican II. During his 27 years of his pontificate he will have renewed almost entirely all the bishops and cardinals. Needless to say that the doctrinal and pastoral of these newly elected officials should correspond as possible to those of the Pope. Moreover, from 1989, all elected at such functions must take an oath in which they recognize, even on matters not finally clarified, "they adhered to the doctrines set forth by the Roman Pontiff or the College of Bishops , In exercising the authentic Magisterium, even if they did not intend to proclaim a definitive act. "Everything, in short, to reassure and please the more conservative tendencies of the Church and to silence dissent within the episcopate. Many will see a direct influence of Opus Dei, whose presence is greater in the Vatican and some see as the hidden hand who decide the appointments, including that of the popes. In sum, power with all that is most human, but also increasingly unhealthy.

1. 3. The indifference of many

For many others, I must say, this beatification, like all others, do not really mean anything. This is a practice inherited from past centuries that no longer fits the times we live. Besides, how credible can it be when she ignores real martyrs as was the case of Archbishop Romero in El Salvador and many other priests and lay people murdered for the cause of their commitments to the poor, and it is making a zeal rarely seen on the altars place the founder of Opus Dei, Josemaria Escriva, close to Franco and Latin American dictators? People are not without realizing that there is, like all powers, slide sets, influence, leading some faster than others in honor of a medal, and honorary promotion, in the case of the Church of beatification and canonization of. This procedure of the Church does not change the fate of the deceased in another world where her destiny leads. If he is with God, there remains, and if it is not, it will not become so over with the beatification. The goal is to provide models of life in the world, but this can not be done without the intervention of ideological considerations and the very fact, partisan. The priest or bishop murdered by communists in Poland will soon be considered a martyr to imitate. For cons, the same bishop or priest murdered by military dictatorships in Latin America will be considered rather suspect. Make an example of faith would be unhealthy for the community.

1. 4. Political commitments questionable

A highly debatable points of the reign of John Paul II is the political role he played in Latin America. It will been a strong contributor policies of President Reagan, among others, in its struggle against the Sandinista government and the revolutionary forces in other countries in the region. We will remember his visit to Nicaragua in 1983, where he presented himself as a true knight who would put this country on the path of democracy and freedom. The three priests involved in this government to important ministerial posts (Education, culture, external relations) and by endorsing their presence, according to John Paul II, the character "so-called" communist and atheist it would put the not. How not to remember Minister of Culture, the poet priest Ernesto Cardenal, who was waiting for her off the plane? Kneeling to receive his blessing, he rather enjoyed a remonstrance and a demonstration of authority that did not reflect much of the good shepherd that we present the Jesus of the Gospels. As to the Eucharistic celebration, in front of tens of thousands of people, it was hardly better. His speech inspired by opponents of the regime, became as much an insult to supporters and government supporters and that unacceptable interference for the government. He had no word to condemn the "contras," the force of mercenaries, financed by the Reagan and the Iran-Contra, seeking to overthrow the Sandinista government. The previous day, sixteen people were killed by the mercenaries and the mothers of the victims wanted the Pope to tell them some words of encouragement and pray for their son and daughters have fallen under the bullets of those mercenaries. It did not. The ceremony ended in confusion and it soon departed empty-handed catch his plane. These believers and believers had not recognized the messenger of the Gospel, but that of Reagan. Father Ernesto Cardenal told thereafter this visit not quite like any other. A very interesting story to read at the link located above.

Another highlight has been his visit to Santiago, Chile in 1987, still under the leadership of dictator Augusto Pinochet. The world was waiting for John Paul II capable, as he had been in Poland, to speak loud and clear. He expected that he denounces the thousands of killings, tens of thousands of tortured prisoners and expatriates. He spoke instead of fundamental freedoms, a diplomatic manner well not to enter in details. The Chilean people expected him to talk about democracy, violated since 1973. It did not. He reserved a special blessing to Pinochet and his relatives. In his public speeches he has been very discreet. If it were not for this speaker who suddenly left side of the text prepared for him, began to tell the Holy Father the pain of a people who had suffered a military coup followed by a bloody crackdown as never before, no one would have heard about the arrests, killings, disappearances, torture, imprisonment and tens of thousands of expatriates. The crowd cheered as if a morning dew fell over them. This woman had said that John Paul II had dared tell him yet that had been so good to the people of Nicaragua. Needless to say all these beautiful characters on the VIP did not know where to go. It had to be frail woman who say these things even at the risk of his own safety.

1. 5. The Medal of Freedom

is probably made this collaboration policy of the United States worldwide and especially in Latin America and the Soviet Union which will deserve the medal of freedom that Bush has given him during a visit planned for this purpose at the Vatican in 2001. Supporters of such freedom would be pleased, but those who are its victims and outsiders, could not but be profoundly sad. The Lord did not he say that "only truth will set you free", but now this medal is awarded by the very man who was lying openly to the world to justify the invasion of Iraq. A lie that was in addition to many others. CONCLUSION

John Paul II is certainly a monument that history can not ignore. Many questions remain unanswered and many interventions require clarification. Time will see more clearly. However, it is a pity he had requested before his death, which is destroying his personal archives. Without doubt a source of information for understanding these moments in history when he was closely associated. For his part, Benedict XVI seems particularly eager to make this beatification, thereby derogating from the rule requiring within 5 years prior to any procedure of beatification and canonization. To our knowledge, there is no fire in the house nor enough to justify such a derogation from the procedure. So where does this emergency?


Fortin Quebec, January 16, 2011

articles on JP II to the author on the internet ... ... ...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hacking Internet Modem In Vietnamese


Whoever looks at humanity from the perspective of the fundamental values it aspires to soon realize that the paths taken by the powers that dominate this world are without services. The media often subservient to them, may use language that would require, but can no longer hide the injustices, lies, manipulation, corruption, wars and many other resources too, all at the service not a better human being for the earth, but a better life for these elite characterized by greed, dominance and prestige.

Whichever way we look, whether to Africa, Asia, the Middle East or Latin America, conflicts are multiplying and struggling artisans of these conflicts, through the media, to gain the good graces of the people who bear the human and financial costs. All means are good and whether to create any part of the religious wars, terrorist attacks, military coups, they will. What happens next? How can the ordinary citizen to navigate? More importantly, how these two thirds of humanity he may be heard their distress, crying injustices and crimes against them?

All around us, the Haitian people can no longer get its act together, so strong is the pressure of some powers to control all of its powers: the political, economic and social . If the people of Haiti in 1804, was the first people in the Caribbean and throughout the South to gain independence and get rid of slavery, we must say that he has paid dear for this escapade. It is France who was provided with a compensation whose value today would look in the tens of billions of dollars. Moreover under the short reign of President Aristide's request was made that France repay Haiti. It is no coincidence that France is closely following the current elections and was one of three countries identified by the OAS to proceed with the recount. Clearly there is a candidate that the three designated countries (Canada, USA and France) do not want to see and it is the government candidate, Jude Celestin. Tell me where in all this, the interests of Haitians? Why do you think Aristide found himself on an overnight flight away from the leading his country? Why his political party could not participate in the current election and that his return was banned? Obviously we will say it for the good of the Haitian people, he so badly led and misled by a president become corrupted. An article to read about the deportation of President Aristide of Haiti and another on the candidate that we want absolutely to the second round, replacing Michel Martelly Jude Celestin:

What is true for Haiti is left with different accents in just about every conflict. More than ever, alternative information reveals that the official media do not say or subtly deformed. For this reason it must extend as much as possible. We are experiencing a crisis of truth and honesty in the transmission of information. Technologies and information sciences can make a truth from falsehood and truth a lie. They can turn a saint into a devil and the devil into a saint. Hence the importance of information alternative to occupy its place. Wikileaks demonstrated that alternative information has not said its last word and it can shake the pillars of the temple of the powerful of this world. Losing a fight is not necessarily lose the war. The war for the truth must allow for hope.


Fortin Quebec, January 14, 2011-01-14

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How To Do Hair Like Dahvie


Rarely Will we refer to as many insistence on the international community to analyze and confirm the results of the first ballot for president. It is now done, the report will be officially presented to the President and the Electoral Council, but already leaks can confirm that the candidate closest to the ruling party, Jude Celestin, goes to third place and that the OAS recommended that participants in the second round there are Mirlande Manigat Michel Martelly, the singer. The latter would have gone second with a majority of 3,000 votes over his nearest rival, Jude Celestin ..

In this case, the international community represented by the OAS brings the United States, Canada and France, the three countries identified by the OAS to participate in this revision of the counting of votes. In a previous article I had the opportunity to comment on this approach.

To celebrate the first anniversary of that terrible earthquake forces the safest of the so-called international community, will greet you. There the representative of the Congress of the United States, the Cuban-born Republican, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, well known for his stance against Chavez and his wide support for terrorist actions against Cuba. The Vatican will also meet with his representative Special Cardinal Robert Sarah will donate 1.2 million U.S. dollars from the Pope.

Press International will obviously be there to highlight the extraordinary work of the international community succeeded in solving the problem of the recount of votes in the first round of presidential elections. The occasion will be appointed to any call for unity of humanitarian forces to face the challenge of reconstruction. The scholarships will be untied and the money promised a year ago, will arrive through a variety of engineering services, health services, materials of all kinds. International solidarity finally at work in the service of people disliked by the nature and destiny. First country in the Caribbean and Latin America to have gained its independence in 1804, he has learned over the years that fate, aided by some human strength will not permit him to enjoy it long.

All well and good, but no less certain that everything will come in around the international community still poorly defined. This morning, in Prensa Latina, Fidel Castro appealed to international community that this other form the United Nations General Assembly and the formed by the countries of Latin America, and you can avoid the horror of more bloodshed to the people already amply proven. He fears that the candidate, close to the government and the OAS has ruled for the second round will resist such an operation to take control of the ballot and his supporters rebelled also before such an interference of the United States, Canada and France who have placed their pawns under cover of the OAS that they control in the person of its Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza.

It seems it is time that the said community expand its international base in order to reach the real international community, only able to give credibility to the actions taken. The peace sought by the manipulation and deception can not bring needed stability to the Haitian people. Another time it will be the people who pay the bill.


Fortin Quebec, Jan. 11 2011-01-11

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Old Brazillian Wax Job Image



Latin America and much of the world celebrated in the 1st January 2011, the takeover of Milda Rousseff as the first woman president of Brazil. Born December 14, 1947, it quickly became the early 1960s, an outspoken campaigner against the dictatorship that was required then the Brazilian people.

"Roussef joined the resistance movement against the Brazilian dictatorship of the 60s. Arrested in 1970, tortured for 22 days, convicted by a military tribunal, she was held for 3 years until 1973. At the time of her detention, she was called Joan of Arc of the guerrillas, because of its ideological importance in the movement. In December 2006 she was awarded compensation. "

Such event has resulted in numerous meetings, some particularly significant for Latin America. I would meet in a special way highlights the presence of Hugo Chavez, the Venezuelan president as the press usually presents as more and more lonely and isolated.

First a warm welcome by former President Ignacio Lula. Those who follow the news Latin America know that both men are devoted enormous respect and friendship that unites them is no stranger to the general project of Latin America dreamed Bolilvar. Lula has been a giant of international politics in Brazil. It has enabled Brazil to occupy an important place in international debates and in the so-called emerging countries.

Everyone knows the tensions between the Obama administration and the Venezuelan government. Most recently these tensions have increased because The ambassador appointed by Washington was not accepted by Venezuela. The reason was simple and well known Washington: Palmer, the nominee as a future ambassador, had proved by his remarks and comments on Venezuela, its President, as unworthy to occupy this high position allowing no interference the country's internal affairs. On this point Chavez was firm. Washington responded by removing the Visa Ambassador of Venezuela in Washington. He recalled that relations between countries should be based on respect. So in the context of this background background that has made this impromptu meeting between Chavez and Hilary Clinton.

The ideological allies of Washington, Pinera Chile Santos and Colombia, but also partners of Venezuela in regional bodies such as UNASUR, MERCOSUR, OAS quickly joined the Secretary of State of the United States and the President of Venezuela, then under discussion. This meeting led to improvised some photos that speak much by themselves.

I can not 1st January 2011 to end this without calling attention to the 52nd Anniversary of the overthrow of Batista, the dictator who had the interests of the oligarchy to win people's interests. So it was a great victory for the Cuban people. Finally, people can put their shoulders to the wheel to respond primarily to the interests and needs. A revolution that had its heyday, its failures, but also enormous challenges.

The results after 52 years under the leadership of Castro, as we used to say in our communities, remains extremely positive in many aspects. First I can not emphasize enough the huge leaps made in terms of human progress in the areas of health, education, international solidarity. Just look at neighboring countries, still under the influence of prevailing oligarchic powers under the watchful eye of Washington, like Haiti, Honduras, Colombia and Chile still even among the 10 countries where the gap between revenues the highest and lowest income is the greatest.

Victim, for over 50 years of criminal economic blockade that condemned year after year the UN General Assembly and constantly harassed by groups, funded with millions of dollars annually with its northern neighbor, whose sole purpose is to destabilize the government and to sow chaos, Cuba resisted and, despite everything, there are managed to ensure its people the essential foundations for a life that inspires respect. Far from resting on its laurels, the revolution continues by questioning with increasing thoroughness to fit the changing world and to new realities. Far from being an acquisition of a day, it is a continual movement to meet priority to the basic necessities for the common good of his people and those of international solidarity which reflects so well the Cuban medical brigade in Haiti.

Let 2011 be the year for all those heroes and witnesses of a new world without ever building a source of inspiration and innovation. Long life to those whose gaze reaches the most humble of the earth.

Oscar Fortin

Quebec, January 2, 2011