In Western societies Democrat is part of the act of faith on the fundamental values of human rights and peoples. On his behalf, our armies are deployed in various parts of the world to bring to individuals and peoples democracy, this property has become indispensable to any self-respecting society. Citizens that we are supporting these initiatives, all humanitarian service to the right of peoples to self-determination and to manage as they see fit within the framework of international law. Families mourn their soldiers are dying and our political representatives emphasize the grandeur of their devotion and the gift of their lives in service of a noble cause.
The events of recent weeks show that there is not a democracy, there are others not always so noble. They also tell us that our governments have found pleasure to deal with these types of democracy that have no relationship to that described above in name only. Moreover, these events present us with a reality even more painful to learn that they exist only through our own governments.
We find that the democratic regime in Egypt, is a bloody dictatorship oppressive, worthy to be ranked pari passu with the military dictatorships in Latin America, who have for many years, the law and thousands of deaths. We learn that Mubarak, the current president, responds to the orders of those who give billions of dollars spent on armaments and lavish gratuities. For 30 years, our governments have not found anything good to say about this democratic government. It is the same for Tunisia where, for years, the President left his people in misery and watched stocks its security boxes in Swiss banks. It took people out into the street naked and make the big cheating for our governments to realize suddenly that they were not democracies but dictatorships. How have they not seen earlier that this was so? Do not they have the best intelligence services and intelligence in the world? The reality is much simpler: they were accomplices .
What happens in the Middle East is in the dock not only those dictators masquerading as democrats, but also, and with even more responsibility, our leaders of the West who claim large values of Christian humanism. They are the ones who made possible these dictatorships, it is they who have covered the mantle of democracy, they are the ones who lied to their people by not telling them the truth.
After much revelation, the people of the West can no longer trust their leaders, believe what they say. In these circumstances, what about this war in Afghanistan where our soldiers are risking their lives and thousands of others? Is this yet another major cheating where democracy is dictatorship with rhythm, servo people, resource exploitation? What about this travesty of interventions in Haiti to change the order in the results obtained during the first round of voting? Is it to allow the people to take charge himself or to ensure it does not deviate from their influence in the management of international assistance and political guidance to come?
We could rewrite the whole actions of our governments in relation to democracy, understood as people's power for the people. It is a safe bet that we will emerge from this exercise very disappointed. First, have been fooled by people in whom we have placed our trust, but also by all this media environment that knows so well used.
It will someday, the people we train, will take charge and make the household with the makers of lies and cheating.
Fortin Quebec, February 5, 2011
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