Dear brother
In all fraternity
Fortin Quebec, February 7, 2011
Let me this letter in the Spirit of Him who unites us and in this faith that makes us new people, witnesses of the Father's kingdom on earth. The way in which we are is that which was drawn by Jesus of Nazareth himself, the man without which no Christian church can not exist. He is "God with us " the perfect replica of the Father. " Who sees me sees the Father "he said to his disciples. We know that the will of the Father was for him an absolute nonnegotiable.
The Evangelists have left us many examples of this in the absolute life of Jesus. There are however two that give rise to no ambiguity: one of the three temptations in the desert and the other in the garden of Gethsemane. In the first case, the desert, we see a Jesus who, although weakened by fasting for forty days, leaves no room for any concession, no compromise with his partner who has yet to full power over all nations of the earth. For Jesus, the path chosen by the Father, is not one that passes through alliances with the powers that dominate the peoples and nations, alliances inevitably involve compromise In the second case, the garden of Gethsemane , Jesus is also facing a terrible choice between the will of his Father who will lead inevitably to the death of the cross and some arrangements and compromises are always possible, allowing him to avoid this suffering and this pain. Again his last word is "that Thy will be done and not mine . Is not this Jesus, faithful to the Will of His Father, who founded the Church in what it is and what it does?
As the successor of Peter is your responsibility-it-not in these times that are ours, to ensure that the Church is as transparent as possible to the spirit and the loyalty of Jesus Father? I agree with you that we inherit a church that has crossed over 20 centuries of history, leaving many traces, good and bad. Although many witnesses have assured the vitality and transparency by fully assuming the imperatives of the Gospel of the Father reigns of fairness, truth, sharing, solidarity, compassion, mercy and love, others by cons in have made the house of the great and powerful of this world.
Better than me, you know the whole story of the transformation of the first Christian communities living gifts of the Spirit, supported and guided by the apostles and disciples. They were gradually transformed into a Church institution in any similar institutions royal and imperial fourth and fifth century. In a church service and communion, mutual and fraternal solidarity with the needy, it then became a Church of power, hierarchical, centralized. The faith that was lived, has become a doctrine (deposit) which has continued to grow throughout the centuries, while his practice has evolved into cults. In this hierarchical church and professionalized, more room for dissenting voices and prophets. Even the Holy Spirit is now going through the church authority to distribute in His gifts no longer have the freedom to do whatever he wants. The authority you invested the Church institution did she not concentrated in the function that you hold all powers, both those of the Holy Spirit that the prophets which only you can ensure the discernment? Thus, the dissent must find shelter elsewhere or to aman Hon.
You will agree with me that the Church, over which you have placed your fellow cardinals, is no longer a reference to this way of being and living, inaugurated in Jesus of Nazareth and witnessed by the early Christian communities. The pastor is not it become a character with his titles and apparels, the disciples, officials responding to the imperatives of religion, while morality, as defined by the institution, becomes the code for classifying good and evil? In all this, what happened to the Gospel and Jesus of Nazareth? If there is no doubt that the Church is really in the world, as Jesus asked, there has, cons, many who are skeptical about whether it would be really protected. "I do not ask you remove them from the world but to keep the bad. "(John 17.15). Now I see the church as part of its institutions, its networks Nunciatures Apostolic and Bishops, that I see in his worship celebrations and its alliances with world leaders, not only in the world but it is part. How do you want the breath of the Spirit to pass through if it is so tied to this world, this same world that Jesus of Nazareth came to denounce and whose book of the Apocalypse tells us the fate which Subject?
You're obviously not the only responsible for this church that you inherit as Pope. It is, however, you break the chains which attach to the powers of this world and to open its doors to the prophets who proclaim a return to what Jesus of Nazareth, the good news of a new reign to the humble and the outcast of the earth. Voices from everywhere, most recently in Germany, your homeland, theologians have written to you that power back into the Christian community, that bishops are set to listen to what they have to say and together, they become light in the world. Many requesting that the priesthood be reconsidered based on the services required by the community and the latter decides to those of you who will assume the duties, whether or not married, regardless of gender that defines them. Believing that Christ is always the one who builds his church and that the Spirit distributes gifts to good as he wants is to believe in their inevitable presence in these communities. The Father's will does she not make you this act of faith, as he demanded of Jesus in the desert and the garden of Gethsemane?
You will not alone. You'll discover communities from around the world, carried by the Spirit and the Gospel imperatives, which will welcome you as the true successor of Peter. You will find many theologians and prophets, particularly fascinated by the figure of Jesus of history, for its commitment to life and human solidarity. They went wherever he went, that is to say to the poor, the sick, the excluded, workers, miners, fishermen, unbelievers and believers. They began to listen to all these people. They have heard the Jesus of History, but also the Risen Jesus, always there with them. They have taken his words of hope, speaking of the new man, speaking of the beatitudes, the kingdom of the Father, denouncing hypocrisy, cheating, lying, cruelty of the powerful against the weak and those which relate to their defense. You'll find the Church still alive and free, capable of supporting the weak and to denounce those who put on the backs of other burdens they can not carry themselves.
I stop here, beloved brother, sure my prayers. May they be heard and give you that faith has had in the desert and Jesus to Golgotha. Your intelligence and wisdom admired by the world, conceals, I have no doubt, something even bigger and more valuable to you: a heart and a faith who can unfortunately not be released from this rationality, made assumptions, logic, abstraction of subtlety. It is this rationality that leads you to adjust the gospel to the needs of your doctrines and apostolic letters and messages to the needs of allies that you feel the need to "spare .
My wish is that you find yourself in what you hold most precious human heart and faith, and finally released Shepherd, for real, in the service of Jesus and his Kingdom . You will be a fair and faithful successor of Peter.
In all fraternity
Fortin Quebec, February 7, 2011
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