What a good, since the time we are talking about the Pope as the representative of Jesus on earth, in other words as his successor, or almost. But when we look closely, the Pope is indeed the successor of Peter, but that does not mean the successor of Jesus of Nazareth.
latter is still there alive and well at the head of his Church, the Body with many members, including acting through the Spirit who distributes his gifts as he sees good. The witness of the Father's will that has been there over 2000 years, it continues to be, for the times that are ours, and through those those he joins. This is obviously a great mystery that extends into new spheres of our world the mystery of the Incarnation and the Resurrection. The Emmanuel is with us to testify in us and through us to the Father's will on earth. " Thy will be done on earth as it is in the sky. "
What is it that will? First, a fundamental shift from a world based on greed and have on power and domination on vanity and falsehood. This is the first lesson we book the symbolism of the three temptations of Jesus in the desert. The reign of God , whom the Father wants to see spread to the ends of the earth is made of sharing and solidarity, of justice and service , humility and truth . This project of the Kingdom of God is at the heart of mankind since the creation of the world, but finds in the person of Jesus of Nazareth in its update history. It is the perfect expression of the will of the Father and the witness par excellence this "new man", first in a new race. His freedom is total and not afraid to walk openly.
It is unconditional ally of the poor, the exploited, the rejects of society. It is equally important to those who do justice, truth and compassion the foundation essential and indispensable in any society that wants to be "human." He knows how to recognize those struggling for justice, which lift the veil covering the hypocrisy, lies, deception. It is close any person of "good faith" without distinction of color, race, beliefs. In no way it can not ally with those who conspire to always have more power to better dominate and exploit. He warns against the "father of lies " which manages to transform, like a magician, true false and false true. The latter may be the devil a saint and a devil of a saint. The book of the Apocalypse has a phrase that says much the fate that is reserved for all those people for whom the only interests that count are theirs:
"But cowards, traitors, perverts, murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, in short, all liars, their lot is in the lake burning with fire and brimstone is the second death. "(Rev. 21.8)
But where is the Church ? It is here where Jesus . It is with those who struggle to break the chains of dependence and injustice. It is here in the heart of alternative information to decode and expose the disinformation authors and reveal the truth. It is there in the mother-child centers in all these initiatives that seek to give more dignity and respect of disabled life. It is with these people of good will who would like nothing better than living in a world of peace, solidarity and compassion. The Church, which lives of Jesus of Nazareth is at the heart of this world. Yep, this world of scandals, lies, wars of conquest. She is there without fear of reprisal, without compromise, denouncing the hypocrisy, lies, the injustices of these renegades, asking instead to convert. It is this Good news for the humble of the earth that Jesus spent in the reading he did one day of the prophet Isaiah:
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because that he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He sent me to proclaim release to the captives and the blind back in sight, to set at liberty the oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. " Lk. 4:18-19)
But then what about the Vatican, the Pope, cardinals, Nuncios apostolic bishops, priests? Nothing. They are free to join Jesus where he is and by joining they will find a living Church, rooted in the Gospels and the world in which we live. To get there they will obviously have to mourn a church triumphant and regal, take their distance from the oligarchical and imperial powers with which they have established compromise, take the pilgrim's staff, leaving behind the powers of the State Vatican to find remains amid the humble of the earth and the witnesses involved. Some may call this a "conversion " and as with any conversion it can not be that radical. Already many of those who have this option and who testify, sometimes paying with their lives, as was the case of Archbishop Romero and many others. Our faith and trust they do not rely on the presence of Jesus in the heart of our lives and the world in which we witness a good news for all people of good will?
Quebec, December 2, 2010
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