Sunday, December 19, 2010

Edit Wedding Seating Sample


Not so long ago, the Catholic faith and religion could be summed up in the sacraments of the Church, the Commandments of God , dogma made throughout the two millennia that separate the Jesus of history of this church we know today. The catechism was the Bible of our knowledge and our faith. The Gospels were only available in their Latin version so that few could access it. We obviously had some knowledge of what Jesus was dropped her from her father to take upon himself the sins of the world be crucified on a cross and then rose again and ascended to His Father until he returns to achieve the advent of a new heaven and a new earth. Meanwhile believers and believers were required to observe the teachings of the Church to be faithful in the celebration of the sacraments, recognize the pope, bishops and priests the direct representatives of God on earth. Thus, the time comes, they will be entitled to the benefits of the Kingdom of God.

Today, this vision of faith and the church broke from all sides and all sides. First, the world no longer lives in a voting booth, but the public square of a large village which includes all continents. Secondly, the development of knowledge are many certainties evaporate which had foundations that beliefs closer to myth than history. Thirdly rereading the Gospels, informed by knowledge of modern exegesis, tell us at once a Jesus deeply involved in human history and a world increasingly dominated by forces who evacuated everything there ad'humain. Fourth, the nature of the conflicts that divide peoples, nations and people to more clearly put the real interests of belligerents and the devastating effects of their actions on the whole of humanity. In this world, one hand there is the imperial forces that dominate their arms, their wealth and influence, all states of the earth and many of the churches and religions. On the other hand, there is also this reality, even more striking today than it was yesterday, more than two thirds of humanity living in poverty and raise their voices to demand justice, truth, respect, solidarity, compassion.

This panorama across the planet, has something similar, this time across the Roman Empire, that existed at the time of Jesus. Tiberius, the great Roman emperor reigned over all accessible areas to the extent of his power. The world at that time lived under the reign of Emperor Tiberius. The human and social problems are caused directly by the empire were, so to speak, at their level, those we know today. The Emperor then could count on the religious powers, as is the case today, to keep people in his good while covering their wealth. In ancient writings they personified the spirit of this empire as belonging to the kingdom of Mammon, whose name refers to wealth, money, profit, greed and so on. In short, a world under the "reign of greed."

The arrival of Jesus of Nazareth is therefore in the history of this empire dominated by Mammon . By his actions, his parables, his teaching it presents an alternative to this type of empire right thing in the world by wealth, military force, deceit, exploitation and corruption. He then speaks of a new empire, another kingdom, that one no longer dominated by the reign of Mammon, but that of God. In this context God is the opposite of My mmon. He represents and signifies everything that is good, true, just, human. Without really changing the way we could talk about the confrontation reign of the "greed " with that of "soli d arity . Jesus of Nazareth is the ultimate indicator of "solidarity" with the poor, the sinners, the persecuted for justice and also to all people of good will. It dissociates itself and cons with the same vigor of hypocrites, liars, all those who put on the backs of other burdens they may themselves worn.

His coming, two thousand years ago, has shaken the columns of the temples built by human hands, and gave a breath of hope to this part of humanity always seeking peace, justice, truth, solidarity and compassion. Authorities powers and so do not feel comfortable with his parables on the workers of the last hour, the good Samaritan, the father of the prodigal son, Lazarus. They are worried by his attitudes toward the Samaritan woman, for those at the place of the prostitute and sinners. They are outraged by his comments to the persecuted beatifying justice, for those requiring the greatest to make smaller and that teachers become servant, or his speech by river on the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and teachers of the law. They are finally completely disrupted by announcement of the reign of God is already there and will grow inexorably, like a seed planting. In the manner of a real steamroller this reign of God will supersede the empires of greed and deceit in establishing a reign of solidarity, justice, compassion and truth.

Less than three years in public life have been sufficient to that the powers that be, both religious and economic policies, realize that this Jesus of Nazareth was to be eliminated quickly. His presence, his attitudes and his teaching became more disturbing, challenging the established order on the power of money and weapons. He had to disappear.
Two thousand years have elapsed since the passage of Jesus in time and yet the world with its conflicts and contradictions, continues to challenge us. Is it by a miracle of history that the figure of Jesus regain a prominent place in the consciousness millions of people who still work, often risking their lives for a world of solidarity, justice and truth? Is not there a new inspiration and support of these millionz of activists who work always for a new world for a new humanity? Is not he who comes to denounce the hypocrisy and greed of the powerful and to remind those who have the mission to proclaim the Good News to the poor of the kingdom of God they'll never by being, simultaneously, complacent and complicit in these powers of domination? Nobody, he said we can not serve God and Mammon at the same time. Inevitably, he will love one and hate the other.

reflectors facing acutellement on this world of secrecy and intrigue are they not a sign of the times announced by Jesus himself:

"Nothing is secret that appear to date, nothing hidden that will not be known and come to light. "(Matt. 8, 17)

I can not end this discussion without referring the reader and the reader in this excellent article theologian José Antonio Pagola on "alternative" is that Jesus of Nazareth for all humanity. This article is currently in English.


Fortin Quebec, December 19, 2010


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