jerks or cooperatives?
Just last week, the Secretary of State of the United States with his colleagues from Canada and Mexico invited Haitians to take charge and solve their own problems, the pretext that the "international community " (speaking for themselves ) could not do anything. Not for a moment they came to mind that the Haitian people would probably be much better if their relations with this country had been less interventionist, more co-operat Ives. Since making the door of President Aristide by IM, they have continued to control governance.
Further south, Venezuela and Colombia have been living for several weeks of real disasters caused by heavy rains as they did ever had. In both Colombia and Venezuela there are dead, many land subsidence, tens of thousands of families to be housed in safer areas. In both countries it state of emergency and governments must act quickly to address the situation.
In Colombia, President Juan Manuel Santos has declared a state of economic emergency, social, ecological, measures which will legislate for a period of 90 days, allowing to take international credit and use of budgetary resources without congressional approval. All this was done without anyone anywhere in the world and rightly scandalized.
In Venezuela, President Chavez has asked the National Assembly to pass a law enabling Act, which will give him the necessary powers to tackle the crisis situation experienced by hundreds of thousands of people. This provision is contained in the Constitution and can not be declared unilaterally by the President as it the case in Colombia. It must be debated and passed by the NA This was done last Thursday avecl'appui of 157 votes, more than enough to be validated in the first round. Friday, December 17, the President has assented. In the circumstances, there was really nothing to offend anyone.
But now the Secretary of State in Washington , more concerned to "piss off" than to "cooperate" had time to give a lecture press to denounce the "enabling law" that gives President Chavez the authority to expedite measures to help people affected by the torrential rains. Suddenly, which had been interpreted as quite natural for the British became, for Venezuela, on an international campaign of vilification against President Chavez.
This fiercely against Venezuela and President Chavez has no foundations those oligarchic interests and imperial who can not resigned to what a people asserts itself and takes its own destiny. Chavez is, to date, the one who best represents the vast majority of Venezuelans and that is why they are voting for him and support him in his initiatives . The empire on which democracy and oligarchy is not making a real poison that kills the simulacrum of democracy that they are hypocritical apostles.
In the news this morning , we learn that Chavez is again faced with a new wave of killers more numerous than the previous waves, whose primary objective is to kill him. He reassured his people saying that these threats were not going to lock him in an ivory tower, but would rather, and with even more energy to devote himself to serving his people and, in these times individuals, serving the most affected by the torrential rains.
I think Chavez and his people deserve our respect and trust that the disinformation machine soon vanish into darkness where it comes .
Fortin Quebec, December 18, 2010
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