results in the first round of voting for president in Haiti were not to the satisfaction of a number of countries including the United States. As for losing candidates and their supporters, it was foreseeable that they are not very happy to be sidelined the second round. Nobody likes to lose . The events that followed, probably caused by internal dissatisfaction and possibly encouraged by certain international interests, will have served the United States to regain control of the elections to fit their expectations. Do not forget there is always a $ 11 billion waiting to help the Haitian people and the action of emerging countries of Latin America can shift their camp in Haiti.
The scenario used is beautiful. First, we must take into account that Brazil and several countries in America South and the UN had actually helped the respect from these results that international observers were validated. Local events, in many cases amplified and highlighted in the international press gave excuse for Canada to withdraw its ambassador. Clinton took the opportunity to meet with his colleagues in Ottawa and Mexico to develop an intervention strategy and to inform the people and government of Haiti that they belonged to their responsibilities, that the "international community" can not do everything. Nothing in all this that could have any relationship with interventionism.
The stage is set for entry into action the Organization of American States (OAS), a multilateral regional objectives and the most out of any suspicion of undue influence ( as we showed in the treatment of military coup in Honduras in 2009), to request the government and the Haitian National Electoral Council to delay publication of results of the recount conducted by them. We must believe that this recount does not change the "gives" the initial results and was thereby, suspect. In all likelihood, the Haitian government had asked the OAS to conduct itself in a new recount. To this end, three countries were selected to conduct the recount. By pure chance and do not see any influence whatsoever, it is the United States, Canada and countries not members of the OAS, France . No country in Latin America and the Caribbean has been retained, though the great majority in number in the OAS. You have to believe that fate arranged things well and that anyway they would that add to existing problems. Everyone will agree that it is easier to get along with people from the "same school of thought."
So here we are in a situation where the ballots are placed in the hands of those who could not find their account in the first results. I assure you that the results will follow this time, the good and most importantly, they will meet the expectations of the "international community" as they used to call . The press on which they have good control will quickly validate their findings and highlight the invaluable contribution of the OAS to democracy in Haiti. The Haitian people can not but rejoice, unless he really knows where his interest, that such results are a reflection of the will of its neighbors to the north.
I dedicate this special way of thinking Two extraordinary women whose whole life testifies of this love. The first is called Helen David of Jesus, the name it has registered in the civil registers in place of Allen, his family name moose. His life was the mystic depths of the mystery of his earthly life. 78 years since she lives in expectation of all without losing his eternal smile. The second, Therese, a volunteer with people with disabilities in the Ottawa area and active in social activities of the community, currently struggling against an aggressive cancer of the lungs which way to the border of life and death . His faith is great and intense combat. In the photo she celebrated the 77 years of Helen .
To love, you have a heart for the poor.
To receive and give
must love .
If your look is enough,
your haughty behavior,
your sentence without appeal
If you can not recognize the other
This is good ,
OF amiable
If you can no longer find an excuse ,
To understand poverty,
To respect the mystery
If you're alone to know everything,
To understand everything,
At suffer;
So is that your heart
Not yet found poverty
Who makes him capable of loving .
To love, you have a heart for the poor.
To receive and give
must love.
If your presence more than she crushes student,
If your decision recognizes more than it denies
If the other life is more than dead;
If you are able to receive critical
Without seeing the plot,
without feeling diminished;
If you are able to derive pleasure
success and the success of the other
Without you jeopardize ;
If you succeed in reaching your greatness and your misery,
Not so long ago, the Catholic faith and religion could be summed up in the sacraments of the Church, the Commandments of God , dogma made throughout the two millennia that separate the Jesus of history of this church we know today. The catechism was the Bible of our knowledge and our faith. The Gospels were only available in their Latin version so that few could access it. We obviously had some knowledge of what Jesus was dropped her from her father to take upon himself the sins of the world be crucified on a cross and then rose again and ascended to His Father until he returns to achieve the advent of a new heaven and a new earth. Meanwhile believers and believers were required to observe the teachings of the Church to be faithful in the celebration of the sacraments, recognize the pope, bishops and priests the direct representatives of God on earth. Thus, the time comes, they will be entitled to the benefits of the Kingdom of God.
Today, this vision of faith and the church broke from all sides and all sides. First, the world no longer lives in a voting booth, but the public square of a large village which includes all continents. Secondly, the development of knowledge are many certainties evaporate which had foundations that beliefs closer to myth than history. Thirdly rereading the Gospels, informed by knowledge of modern exegesis, tell us at once a Jesus deeply involved in human history and a world increasingly dominated by forces who evacuated everything there ad'humain. Fourth, the nature of the conflicts that divide peoples, nations and people to more clearly put the real interests of belligerents and the devastating effects of their actions on the whole of humanity. In this world, one hand there is the imperial forces that dominate their arms, their wealth and influence, all states of the earth and many of the churches and religions. On the other hand, there is also this reality, even more striking today than it was yesterday, more than two thirds of humanity living in poverty and raise their voices to demand justice, truth, respect, solidarity, compassion.
This panorama across the planet, has something similar, this time across the Roman Empire, that existed at the time of Jesus. Tiberius, the great Roman emperor reigned over all accessible areas to the extent of his power. The world at that time lived under the reign of Emperor Tiberius. The human and social problems are caused directly by the empire were, so to speak, at their level, those we know today. The Emperor then could count on the religious powers, as is the case today, to keep people in his good while covering their wealth. In ancient writings they personified the spirit of this empire as belonging to the kingdom of Mammon, whose name refers to wealth, money, profit, greed and so on. In short, a world under the "reign of greed."
The arrival of Jesus of Nazareth is therefore in the history of this empire dominated by Mammon . By his actions, his parables, his teaching it presents an alternative to this type of empire right thing in the world by wealth, military force, deceit, exploitation and corruption. He then speaks of a new empire, another kingdom, that one no longer dominated by the reign of Mammon, but that of God. In this context God is the opposite of My mmon. He represents and signifies everything that is good, true, just, human. Without really changing the way we could talk about the confrontation reign of the "greed " with that of "soli d arity . Jesus of Nazareth is the ultimate indicator of "solidarity" with the poor, the sinners, the persecuted for justice and also to all people of good will. It dissociates itself and cons with the same vigor of hypocrites, liars, all those who put on the backs of other burdens they may themselves worn.
His coming, two thousand years ago, has shaken the columns of the temples built by human hands, and gave a breath of hope to this part of humanity always seeking peace, justice, truth, solidarity and compassion. Authorities powers and so do not feel comfortable with his parables on the workers of the last hour, the good Samaritan, the father of the prodigal son, Lazarus. They are worried by his attitudes toward the Samaritan woman, for those at the place of the prostitute and sinners. They are outraged by his comments to the persecuted beatifying justice, for those requiring the greatest to make smaller and that teachers become servant, or his speech by river on the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and teachers of the law. They are finally completely disrupted by announcement of the reign of God is already there and will grow inexorably, like a seed planting. In the manner of a real steamroller this reign of God will supersede the empires of greed and deceit in establishing a reign of solidarity, justice, compassion and truth.
Less than three years in public life have been sufficient to that the powers that be, both religious and economic policies, realize that this Jesus of Nazareth was to be eliminated quickly. His presence, his attitudes and his teaching became more disturbing, challenging the established order on the power of money and weapons. He had to disappear.
Two thousand years have elapsed since the passage of Jesus in time and yet the world with its conflicts and contradictions, continues to challenge us. Is it by a miracle of history that the figure of Jesus regain a prominent place in the consciousness millions of people who still work, often risking their lives for a world of solidarity, justice and truth? Is not there a new inspiration and support of these millionz of activists who work always for a new world for a new humanity? Is not he who comes to denounce the hypocrisy and greed of the powerful and to remind those who have the mission to proclaim the Good News to the poor of the kingdom of God they'll never by being, simultaneously, complacent and complicit in these powers of domination? Nobody, he said we can not serve God and Mammon at the same time. Inevitably, he will love one and hate the other.
reflectors facing acutellement on this world of secrecy and intrigue are they not a sign of the times announced by Jesus himself:
"Nothing is secret that appear to date, nothing hidden that will not be known and come to light. "(Matt. 8, 17)
I can not end this discussion without referring the reader and the reader in this excellent article theologian José Antonio Pagola on "alternative" is that Jesus of Nazareth for all humanity. This article is currently in English.
Just last week, the Secretary of State of the United States with his colleagues from Canada and Mexico invited Haitians to take charge and solve their own problems, the pretext that the "international community " (speaking for themselves ) could not do anything. Not for a moment they came to mind that the Haitian people would probably be much better if their relations with this country had been less interventionist, more co-operat Ives. Since making the door of President Aristide by IM, they have continued to control governance.
Further south, Venezuela and Colombia have been living for several weeks of real disasters caused by heavy rains as they did ever had. In both Colombia and Venezuela there are dead, many land subsidence, tens of thousands of families to be housed in safer areas. In both countries it state of emergency and governments must act quickly to address the situation.
In Colombia, President Juan Manuel Santos has declared a state of economic emergency, social, ecological, measures which will legislate for a period of 90 days, allowing to take international credit and use of budgetary resources without congressional approval. All this was done without anyone anywhere in the world and rightly scandalized.
In Venezuela, President Chavez has asked the National Assembly to pass a law enabling Act, which will give him the necessary powers to tackle the crisis situation experienced by hundreds of thousands of people. This provision is contained in the Constitution and can not be declared unilaterally by the President as it the case in Colombia. It must be debated and passed by the NA This was done last Thursday avecl'appui of 157 votes, more than enough to be validated in the first round. Friday, December 17, the President has assented. In the circumstances, there was really nothing to offend anyone.
But now the Secretary of State in Washington , more concerned to "piss off" than to "cooperate" had time to give a lecture press to denounce the "enabling law" that gives President Chavez the authority to expedite measures to help people affected by the torrential rains. Suddenly, which had been interpreted as quite natural for the British became, for Venezuela, on an international campaign of vilification against President Chavez.
This fiercely against Venezuela and President Chavez has no foundations those oligarchic interests and imperial who can not resigned to what a people asserts itself and takes its own destiny. Chavez is, to date, the one who best represents the vast majority of Venezuelans and that is why they are voting for him and support him in his initiatives . The empire on which democracy and oligarchy is not making a real poison that kills the simulacrum of democracy that they are hypocritical apostles.
In the news this morning , we learn that Chavez is again faced with a new wave of killers more numerous than the previous waves, whose primary objective is to kill him. He reassured his people saying that these threats were not going to lock him in an ivory tower, but would rather, and with even more energy to devote himself to serving his people and, in these times individuals, serving the most affected by the torrential rains.
I think Chavez and his people deserve our respect and trust that the disinformation machine soon vanish into darkness where it comes .
There are those who are with their lives, their commitments and reflections witnesses essential to understand slightly better frame the story of ours. I would defer to three of these witnesses. All three were 80 years ago and are still very active in the debates that challenge just as much faith that whole societies.
Jose Comblin , 87, is a priest whose commitment and theological thought have developed in the mainstream of social and religious of Latin America. It has been very closely associated to the development of liberation theology and his writings and his action has had its influence on the documents of Latin American Bishops' Conferences of Medellín (1968) and Puebla (1979). Let me refer to some major texts of the witness of faith in a changing world. = es
Houtard Francis, 85, priest and sociologist of international repute has been in many battles. Always very active it is found almost everywhere in Latin America and Europe, participating in debates, giving lectures and sharing the lives of ordinary people around them. I leave you to reflect some lectures or interviews he has given recently.
Noam Chomsky , 82, is undoubtedly one of the most sought after intellectuals and listened. While primarily a linguist and philosopher of great reputation, it is especially a man deeply committed to understanding the conflicts that divide the world. His comments and analysis are a beacon for many who can see beyond the horizons that confine our attention.
The birth of Jesus of Nazareth that Christian liturgies celebrated by singing " A savior is born " is at once good news to the shepherds and the Magi of this world but very bad news for all the Herods of the earth.
cultural envelope within which it has stamped the "mystery " does more to separate those for whom Christmas is really good news for those who it can only be bad news. Indeed it is the latter who first, draw the best profit and relapsed This festival, celebrated both at the foot of trees, shining with all their lights, and carried by these melodies that elevate the heart to the highest heavens. As we celebrate Christmas in the mood for a consumer society is no longer quite the same as that celebrated by shepherds and magi. He no longer carries the message of the prophets who predicted the liberator, the Messiah, the savior of the people on earth.
I just finished reading the book Yves Carrier on Archbishop Romero, HISTORY OF A PEOPLE, FOR A MAN . It is obvious that the conversion of the latter to the Gospel and to pastoral liberation of the poor has made it a symbol of hope for them and invariably kill an enemy to the powers that be . The day he ceased to be a character in the decor of the oligarchies and the powers that be (Herod), he then became a witness to the coming of the kingdom of God, of hope and inconsistent, the because even with the dominant powers.
The birth of Jesus of Nazareth is the beginning of the reign of power of this world characterized by the domination of peoples and the enslavement of the humble, by hypocrisy and lies, by pride and conceit. Let us not think that wars conducted openly in Afghanistan, Palestine, nor those conducted surreptitiously in various countries of Latin America, Africa and Asia, are there to liberate the poor, to bring peace to the humble, freedom for prisoners, truth and transparency in the world. These wars are mainly aimed at strengthening the dominant powers, control of wealth, elimination of those who resist them . It is obvious that such goals are not like that said bluntly in the world. Through the media at their disposal, they are wrapped noblest of causes such as democracy, human rights, especially the fight against those "monsters" who belong inevitably to the axis of evil . So they come to become saviors. They care little torture, assassinations, military coups which are craftspersons. Again the means to hide their shame they can turn them to their advantage. It seems that the moment of truth has already begun to break this wall of cheating.
The Christmas message should make bare the forces that are still resisting the coming of the kingdom of God. must lament that the courage of the prophet is not always the rendezvous of those who currently dominate the ecclesiastical institution . They prefer the language of platitudes, an abstract terminology, the output of local history. The words "love" - "Justice" - "truth" - "peace" become, in their mouths, soulless and content . They are become characters in a system that knows how to play a role that is likely to strengthen rather than demolish it. They have nothing to fear from these powerful. They are part of the family and they can sleep.
Christmas is this hope that Mary approached during his visit to her cousin Elizabeth:
" He has shown strength with his arm, he has scattered the men beautiful heart
He put down the mighty from their thrones and exalted the humble,
He has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away empty "(Lk . 51-53)
If we look at the world we live in, that of Quebec, United States, Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East and we wonder where are the forces that seek to disperse the arrogant of heart, to topple the mighty from their thrones and raise up the lowly, filling the hungry with good and send the rich away empty, what will our response be? This is probably another way of asking the question "who benefits actions that are undertaken" by our governments, oligarchies, our armed forces and those powers . Where do our local support, regional, national and international ?
The birth of Jesus of Nazareth is good news for all people of good will, for the meek of the earth and work for justice, truth, only foundation for true peace . As believers and believers in Jesus we take this belief and we bear witness according to the gifts of the Spirit. Many have already lost their lives, others have stopped responding to calls of history. Christmas is the call of all people of goodwill to work for a world of justice, truth, respect and solidarity.
What a good, since the time we are talking about the Pope as the representative of Jesus on earth, in other words as his successor, or almost. But when we look closely, the Pope is indeed the successor of Peter, but that does not mean the successor of Jesus of Nazareth.
latter is still there alive and well at the head of his Church, the Body with many members, including acting through the Spirit who distributes his gifts as he sees good. The witness of the Father's will that has been there over 2000 years, it continues to be, for the times that are ours, and through those those he joins. This is obviously a great mystery that extends into new spheres of our world the mystery of the Incarnation and the Resurrection. The Emmanuel is with us to testify in us and through us to the Father's will on earth. " Thy will be done on earth as it is in the sky. "
What is it that will? First, a fundamental shift from a world based on greed and have on power and domination on vanity and falsehood. This is the first lesson we book the symbolism of the three temptations of Jesus in the desert. The reign of God , whom the Father wants to see spread to the ends of the earth is made of sharing and solidarity, of justice and service , humility and truth . This project of the Kingdom of God is at the heart of mankind since the creation of the world, but finds in the person of Jesus of Nazareth in its update history. It is the perfect expression of the will of the Father and the witness par excellence this "new man", first in a new race. His freedom is total and not afraid to walk openly.
It is unconditional ally of the poor, the exploited, the rejects of society. It is equally important to those who do justice, truth and compassion the foundation essential and indispensable in any society that wants to be "human." He knows how to recognize those struggling for justice, which lift the veil covering the hypocrisy, lies, deception. It is close any person of "good faith" without distinction of color, race, beliefs. In no way it can not ally with those who conspire to always have more power to better dominate and exploit. He warns against the "father of lies " which manages to transform, like a magician, true false and false true. The latter may be the devil a saint and a devil of a saint. The book of the Apocalypse has a phrase that says much the fate that is reserved for all those people for whom the only interests that count are theirs:
"But cowards, traitors, perverts, murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, in short, all liars, their lot is in the lake burning with fire and brimstone is the second death. "(Rev. 21.8)
But where is the Church ? It is here where Jesus . It is with those who struggle to break the chains of dependence and injustice. It is here in the heart of alternative information to decode and expose the disinformation authors and reveal the truth. It is there in the mother-child centers in all these initiatives that seek to give more dignity and respect of disabled life. It is with these people of good will who would like nothing better than living in a world of peace, solidarity and compassion. The Church, which lives of Jesus of Nazareth is at the heart of this world. Yep, this world of scandals, lies, wars of conquest. She is there without fear of reprisal, without compromise, denouncing the hypocrisy, lies, the injustices of these renegades, asking instead to convert. It is this Good news for the humble of the earth that Jesus spent in the reading he did one day of the prophet Isaiah:
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because that he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He sent me to proclaim release to the captives and the blind back in sight, to set at liberty the oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. " Lk. 4:18-19)
But then what about the Vatican, the Pope, cardinals, Nuncios apostolic bishops, priests? Nothing. They are free to join Jesus where he is and by joining they will find a living Church, rooted in the Gospels and the world in which we live. To get there they will obviously have to mourn a church triumphant and regal, take their distance from the oligarchical and imperial powers with which they have established compromise, take the pilgrim's staff, leaving behind the powers of the State Vatican to find remains amid the humble of the earth and the witnesses involved. Some may call this a "conversion " and as with any conversion it can not be that radical. Already many of those who have this option and who testify, sometimes paying with their lives, as was the case of Archbishop Romero and many others. Our faith and trust they do not rely on the presence of Jesus in the heart of our lives and the world in which we witness a good news for all people of good will?
"conspire" says the Petit Larousse is "s hear severally, agree to overthrow a leader, a political system .... " In other words it is to agree to several changes to an established order that is seeping to control the main levers or by physically removing irritants. It is an illegal takeover of power by a State or officers.
In a context where representative democracy is the norm and that neo-liberalism is the system through which articulated the economic relations of individuals, corporations and state, is fertile ground for the formation of groups that can control everything. Those who manage to control the political parties become in positions of power to control the various levers of the state, thus giving free rein to corporate interests of the monopolies to which they belong. Democracy boils down to the act of voting once every four years and the freedom of the vast majority comes down to the spaces we wish him well in granting the media and commercial networks that are fully under their control.
In Quebec we reach a peak in the awareness of this presence very active conspirators who have slipped to the highest levels of political, economic and perhaps even judicial. In an excellent article that gives us Richard Le Hir in relation to the recent book by André Noël and André Cédilot under very evocative MAFIA INC., greatness and misery of the Sicilian clan in Quebec, we learn the mechanics of manipulation, of corruption and infiltration. If in this book is mainly about the Mafia clan associated with the Sicilian will not believe they are the only ones. All these revelations and those to come take us out of this beautiful illusion of a entirely to our democracy and the idea that we as a people are the masters.
In Quebec we are experiencing the great disillusionment in Washington on November 17 last met representatives of the extreme right government with representatives of national oligarchies in Latin America. The goal of the game came down to this: "how to end the emerging countries gathered in the Bolivarian Alliance for the peoples of our America (ALBA )? How to get rid of President Chavez, whose influence on the whole the continent is immense? How to undermine this new covenant (Alba) who stands as an alternative to the Free Trade of the Americas? In broad daylight and in areas of greater normalcy these people were plotting to regain control of these countries by means other than those managed by the constitutional laws of these countries. Not surprising that the institutions of this great country long celebrated for its exemplary democracy has become a caricature. In a record, we moved the site Voltaire we can only conclude that these large institutions no longer belong to democracy, the people, but lobbyists and those they represent. Money eventually buy everything except some consciences, who often pay the price by sacrificing their lives.
In this context, recent revelations that we find in the book "Economic Assassins," by John Perkins, are very eloquent. A video, animated by the author, we made a summary. I invite readers who have not watched yet to do so by heading to the following address:
I had already written a small article on this topic.
Now that we know we can no longer pretend that we do not know. When these people talk about freedom, we know that it is theirs and when they talk about belt-tightening we know they are talking about ours. We also know that it is no longer enough to have read in the newspaper or have heard on television or radio this or that to make it gospel truth. Most major media are well-oiled machines to manage knowledge and behaviors in order to mold them to the interests of these "conspirators" to tie and smiling broadly humanitarian.
It is not easy to identify the shading that are found underlying in this election. Interests are so numerous and the opposing forces so disproportionate. I thought, when our media will not fail to feed us their news and opinions, to offer readers some references Vigil Reading that address different angles of the various aspects of Haitian reality. It will be interesting to discover that nearly 1,200 doctors, nurses Cuban working day and night to combat the epidemic of cholera. It will also be interesting to know the pressures and foreign interventions in the guidelines that should make these elections. I leave you with these readings.
1. One month after the outbreak of the cholera epidemic in Haiti, the brigade edical Cuban continues to work hard to liberate the people this terrible disease, mainly in the departments of Artibonite, western and central-most affected country. Their high level of commitment to the people means that heralds Cuban health and life continue to struggle daily against a disease that claimed the lives of over a thousand Haitians
2. Article Julie Levesque which analyzes the context in which these elections are carried out and it says illegal under occupation.
3. The women's movement Haitian demands the return of Aristide
"This citizens 'initiative does not propose to close its current account" stupid "and unable to carry on its business (although we believe it' is what we should be able to forward and "force" the foundation of a new bank: Citizens, equity and solidarity) but to withdraw the money you can fall 0euro your final standing order, invoice or direct debit.
By cons, for this demonstration is remarkable and "imposed" from month to month a true balance of power, it must close its books secondary (savings) (and be sure to prevent the closing a week early!).
If you experience uncertainty or discomfort, as anyway you book for large sums: order! The bank can not refuse you, go to the bank 7, and remove the money without leaving the bank and take risks, put this money to your chest .
You can rent this safe in the bank even when you closed your savings account, money you have deposited in your trunk is not coming in the accounts of the bank.
You can also direct your capital into cooperative banks (subject to learn well) such as: NEF (France), BAS (Swiss) or (recommended) invest these savings in the intrinsic values: metals (gold, silver, copper ...), arable land, real estate (cheaply!) in rural areas "abandoned", etc etc ... alternatives and solidarity are being further reflections and we expect all proposals or ideas along these lines ...
Repeat this action every month until 2012 and let us make the voice of the people, we gather together around this simple idea as we do platform and not only economic reforms, see référundum, did not take place: it is your right as legitimate! Keep in mind that your savings in the form of computer writing could be "damaged" and the Trustee devalued in a more or less close, really think about investing in the intrinsic values.
"There are particular deposit insurance. If a bank fails, the Government provides retail deposits up to EUR 70 000. Few people have higher amounts on their behalf , so everybody is largely hedged. "
This action requires awareness. Community involvement and solidarity with the proposals of alternatives open to us: it is a duty!
FORUM: Our space discussing, documentation, reflection, group work but also for relaxation ...
"Putting equity as a central value to define a commendable sense of the ideas we want to involve each of you to define the principles, rules and methods of approach that promotes the collective interest and full of himself.
Currently, each day, the system is in a pyramidal configuration. It tends to favor the growth and concentration of power, wealth and responsibilities to those who already hold the most.
If ignored, some (s)-a (s) will hold all the power, wealth and responsibility. This will be the advent of a world where the majority of the population would be forced into slavery or rebellion.
Or, just a vision of a world where the only absurd if that will hold everything, because he will be forced:
All the powers it may exercise by the coercion and enslavement.
All the riches and can not sell its products to anyone so the actual wealth shall become void.
All responsibilities that he can use that to redistribute.
To avoid this absurd situation, in an absurd vision of human development, to avoid the path to which society is heading, We must reverse this trend hell to oppose effectively the concentration that goes crazy against the very principle of justice.
is through the establishment of an active equity process that we can oppose it and take a path beneficial for all. Equity process is to act justly to distribute the powers, responsibilities and resources between individuals. It requires to define actions that promote the fair distribution. It is against, the elements that have more privileges than the majority in favor of elements whose capacity for growth is greatest.
Thus is born a new world equilibrium, sharing and solidarity in which everyone can devote his life to rise into the fraternity.
This unifying idea that many people expect all their wishes for centuries is that of fairness. "
StopBanque The group does not recognize the partisan divide" UMPS "/" FNPA. "While remaining open to participation by all as a free citizen. based collaboration on the concept of fairness.
The collective StopBanque partner but is independent of Bankrun2010.
The collective StopBanque says he never received any directives Bankrun2010 and creator of the facebook event has written on this blog has not participated in the development of the forum.
"There are particular deposit insurance. In case of bank failure, the Government provides retail deposits up to EUR 70 000. Few people have higher amounts on their account, so everybody is largely hedged. "
StopBanque is the call the massive withdrawal of money in the bank and closing secondary accounts (savings, Livret A) at 7 and every day of every month until 2012 to come! StopBanque is thousands of participants around the world, spontaneous first citizens' initiative to resist big business, high finance and "daring" the alternative to privatization and capitalization of Everything ". In defiance of the principle of equity and sovereign democracy of the people! StopBanque is also a popular and international media echo! ( 32 participating countries) StopBanque is simply a reflection of democracy, a citizens' proposal, collective action and Spontaneous!
StopBanque France / Belgium is: Thank you all for this first step! The struggle continues ...
Our approach is Legal, Liberal, Pacific, Lay, apolitical and non-unionized.
The collective StopBanque dissociates itself from calls for violence and "hate" on banks and any other subject! And democratically fight all those that call into question the integrity of individuals representing the "system" and / or banks and the physical assets of these various institutions!
Do not put most exposed to participate in this action, it would be quite productive against the aim is to stop too, all consumer loans or overdrafts unnecessary. Debt is modern slavery.
Because today show is no longer anything to be heard by the ruling elites, that the real power is clearly in the hands of international banks and paradoxically diminishing our freedoms in this world "liberal"
"They're great because we are on our knees!"
We the people "sovereign", just let us recover and to invent the first direct democracy!
We have some logistics and did not complex strategy funded and output of a "think tank" obscure or hidden. Yet, without an army, without police, without violence, without dividing to impose, without media access, no announcement effect, etc etc ...
We are aware of the history and reality of revolution in it.
We are aware that we are in crisis and unemployment, and that most of us in fear and did not seem to have the "means" to participate. False, this approach seeks and primarily concerns those who suffer most from the outcome of this initiative ...
This action obviously suggests a questioning of our lifestyles and the way we consume.
we wait to be weak and hungry to react? Will we allow history to repeat itself peoples who revolt on empty stomachs and are recovered in the politics / media / economic / geo-strategic super class?
Following the interview with Eric Cantona to blow up banks by withdrawing your money.
We are aware of the event BANK RUN 2010 appeal to the massive withdrawal of our money December 7 next.
The collective StopBanque Initially, Peter and Lawrence, joined this action to create a blog that merged with the forum Equidémos Bruno. They follow the developments and would be promoting, documenting, trying to answer the many questions asked, prevent people for centuries lured by big money does not yield to populist-minded reflections of the current complexity of the game global political, etc etc ...
financiers of the City, Wall Street and other robber barons organize their long hold on the riches of the world.
Thirsting for power and monopoly, they enslave the people of the world since ancient times.
After the Maastricht Treaty, after the introduction of a single currency after September 11 and the American crisis of subprime in 2008.
It is quite conceivable that our rebellion is recovered and they make it a Xth "coup" economic or anecdote, this time to establish global governance and international currency.
What to do?
Despite his doubts goals, the collective StopBanque note what this initiative allowed citizens spontaneously.
And after mature reflection remained in their positions.
But this action must be understood and used with citizenship and responsibility.
is why this appeal must be accompanied by all the details, intricacies and important reflections on the possible dangers of dross recoveries of our opponents.
do not accept that we make a responsible economic system already clinically dead for banks and oligarchies!
We can not let a New World Order be established that the people did not validate and that he never participated the development, which we know neither the supporters nor the outs!
is why we call people to leave the system in a constructive and supportive!
Do not rush without informing you!
generally not take such decisions in good conscience and knowledge of causes and it can help you defend your facts and your arguments against the fallacy, the dishonesty, deceit and usual manipulations of our enemies today: Master "The Why?"!
We also invite all people in the world to organize demonstrations outside the buildings where decisions are made in their countries, as well as before the bank subsidiaries and major business groups that finance the oligarchies they meet regularly of Thin thank "innocent and innocuous, even boring, all they say to heart.
impose ABOLITION OF DEBT 600 000 000 000 000 U.S. $
The recurring questions: "What if there is no money? Or if there are few? I'm short? I do not have a bank account?"
Little brooks make great rivers!
This is first of all put pressure on them, so they remember that their power exists only because we are a majority "ignorant" of the system, because we want to do well and their "confidence", but we can understand and change the rules of the game become a people without pity and without logical long-term vision according to their models and criteria, if their priorities do not join the common good and the genuine progress that humanity awaits. If this action is collective and mass, we can make them shake and restore a balance of power in the months to come.
is our submission and consent to our system that makes it possible.
Without this struggle, no need to believe in a "moralization" of capitalism, to dream of a fairer distribution of wealth, thinking stop golden parachutes or even eradicating speculation, tax evasion or crime of insider, to imagine debate on free trade ...
has No need to go walking, running, juggling in the street, be manipulated by a partisan divide, "yell" to the end not to be heard, "break everything" bored of other citizens and take hits.
This simple gesture symbolic and may set the record straight capital earlier democratic!
invoking abolition and change of economic and financial system that immerses us inexorably towards a systemic crisis and that we impose a virtual paradigm in which the crisis of meaning is obvious and no solutions if we continue to swell bubbles and accept the absurdity of the banking system and currency issue? Remember that France has already refunded the amount of its debt interest ...
This system allows all the excess, devastating to a minority of humans, playing, enriched with the work, production, property and the work of others. Without participating, without adding anything or produce "real", palpable and tangible benefits to society but become a weapon of economic war or coups against the nations and peoples called "crises" while enjoying high salaries and bonuses monsters for their silence, their contempt, their predation. This system ultimately deceives the people in their actual design hierarchies. Which sends death through wars it funds when it needs to cover up its mistakes or to win a contract. Or terrorism that has for keeping the people under the opium of the "fear". This system "democratic, capitalist and neo-liberal" who reinvented the total and totalitarian control over the debt and this modern slavery. All this equipment linked to major corporations is also working to restrict our freedoms under the guise of security, never mentioned a economic and financial security for people and planet. Like communism, fascism and Nazism in their excesses, warriors in their expressions, uniformity, destructive and corporate ...
Ignore the consequences of waiting, do not react, to contemplate and do nothing is a headlong rush which only increases the amount of damage that the inevitable, inexorable economic and systemic crisis Financial engender. But also restrict our means of action for the general working capital "globalization" of his worldview and actions will be taken against such actions and claims of citizens ...
A citizen: "A total of 4.589 trillion of public aid € were made available to the financial sector in Europe since October 2008.
This figure was released Wednesday by the European Commission. It covers all the measures Bruxelle s cleared. The UK was the most generous (850.3 billion), followed by Ireland (723310000000), Germany (592.23 billion), France (351100000000) Spain (334, 27 billion), Netherlands (326.6 billion) and Belgium (328.59 billion). Aid covering the direct injections of liquidity into banks.
And it is not necessary to be an economist to understand why Ireland is a small country of 4.34 million people who have paid to banks twice the France country of 63 million inhabitants, is in trouble! This is surely not because of "social benefits"! Not even for the French, Greek, English or Portuguese!
Yet it is the people who will pay the bill while the bankers are going to binge! All banks have rekindled with the profits, 5 billion for the SG, 3 for BNP ect, ect! "
A citizen, "he Action is also another "symbolic" funny to (for all those who said they had no money) On December 7, you take your Monopoly money (or other games, whatever, photocopies ...) and you'll the deposit to the bank just to laugh like that, I've done kid, it's more "fulfilling" to see the banker's face when you put the loot on the counter! A film of course;) "
First idea of a standard letter format for those exposed or not having a bank account to send or bring her to a or more banks on December 7!
"banker Dear, dear banker
Hereby, I just wanted you to mean that" we "are aware of what you make of our money and that we are less divided than you can imagine ...
What we know now that your "bosses", influence world politics, including controlling the currency issue and betraying the nations, peoples and democracy by corruption and by example: speculation.
I have little money and I can not participate in the citizen initiative spontaneous depriving you of my finances, but know that from this day some people have decided take their destiny in hand, leaving a minimum of cash on their account (or even terminating their accounts to develop ethical banks and / or "request" in the background.) by closing their accounts and savings of your damn private banks As we know, under the yoke of a stateless person and selfish elite.
The first act will be marginal, but it will intensify.
The citizen that I wish the issue of currency is not under "control" in private if only 1% or any "arrangement" but rests entirely the nation and its trustees, its sovereign peoples, they found the right key and fundamental issue of its currency and "managing" its inflation to the end of the money / debt ...
This action is intended and has an origin: apolitical, non-union, free, legal, liberal, peaceful, away from the racial theme and outside of religious and philosophical beliefs of each participant, apart from the concept of pseudo Clash of civilizations or clash of communities:
Together and united under the one banner:
(more info and participation:)
I sincerely invite you to join us in our effort that you know more than anyone that there is something in the chaotic paradigm of virtual bubbles ...
Thank you for giving attention to this letter.
Sincerely, a citizen. (And then this: you sign! Feel free to remain anonymous.) "
Second letter format can :
" banker Dear, dear banker
Hereby, I just want you to mean that today we are aware of what you are doing with our money and we are less divided you can imagine ...
Billions have been offered to banks and citizens will pay for a crisis they are not responsible!
"The banks' bad assets were purchased by the governments - the United States in mind. To save the financial system, bailing out troubled banks and boost the economy, governments are in debt ... Coming borrow money that they lacked - the banks! Which reap handsome profits from the passage - which swell not your savings account ... but the year-end bonus of their leaders " (Bill Bonner, President MoneyWeek France)
"And since 1992, there can not print our money for free but is obliged to pay them by Banksters private with a rate of wear outrageous! This is not a joke, it's prostitution by Roland Dumas and Pierre BEREGOVOY who signed the treaty (Maastricht) and infamous villain.
Banks can do this flight, because all the money they create, they create the form of loans to individuals and governments. Any money that comes into the world in the country is created by banks as debt.
The national debt is the biggest hoax and the biggest scam in history. The national debt is stealing the national capital by the bank. The national debt should be converted into national capital, social capital, credit capital. And interest on debt should be converted into social dividends. In this way, taxes would disappear. And dividends in place. Taxes that are imposed when there could be a dividend. " (Louis EVEN)
The industrialist Henry Ford has rightly said: "If people understood the banking system, I think there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
(R) Evolution Started Eric Cantona has given the example: "Instead there is 3 million people who go into the street, just that there are 3 million people who go to withdraw their money from banks and banks collapse (...), 3 million, 10 million people ... And then there is a real threat, a true revolution! (...) No weapons, no blood, a revolution in Spaggiari ... It not complicated ... "
I have little means and I can not participate in this initiative citizen spontaneous depriving you of my finances, but know that from this day some people have decided to take their destinies in hand, leaving a minimum of cash on their account (or even terminating their accounts to develop ethical banks and / or "request" in the background.) by closing their accounts and savings of your damn private banks, we know, under the yoke of a stateless person and selfish elite.
"The revolution is very simple to do. The system is what? The system revolves around the banks. The system is built on the power of banks. So it can be destroyed by the banks! "(Eric Cantona)
The responsible citizen that I am wants the issue of currency is not under" control "private if only in 1% or by any "understanding" but to return fully to the nation and its trustees, its sovereign peoples, they found the right key and fundamental issue of its currency and the "management" its inflation, the end of the money / debt ...
This action is intended and has an origin: apolitical, non-union, free, legal, liberal, peaceful, away from the racial theme and outside of religious and philosophical beliefs of each participant, apart from the concept pseudo clash of civilizations or clash of communities:
Together and united under the one banner:
Thank you for giving attention to this letter.
Sincerely, a citizen. (And then this: you sign! Feel free to remain anonymous.) " "
format for those who close their savings account and current account to move toward ethics:
Dear banker, my banker,
Hereby, I just wanted you to mean that "we" are becoming better informed about what "you" make our money, take more increasingly aware of the absurdity of the current system and that we are less divided than you might think ...
What we now know that your bosses' influence in controlling world politics such as issuing currency and thus betraying the nation.
We decided to take our destiny in our closing current accounts and savings from your private bank investment toxic to choose an ethical bank.
The first act will be marginal, but it will intensify.
The citizen that I wish the issue of currency is more under "control" in private if only 1% or any "understanding" but to return fully to the nation and its trustees, its sovereign peoples, they find the right key and fundamental issue of its currency and "managing" its inflation to the end of the money / debt ...
This action is intended and has an origin: apolitical, non-union, free, legal, liberal, peaceful, away from the racial theme and outside of religious and philosophical beliefs of each participant, apart from the concept of pseudo clash of civilizations or clash of communities:
Together and united under the one banner:
(more info and participation:)
I invite you sincerely to join us in our effort that you know more than anyone that there is something in the chaotic paradigm of virtual bubbles ...
Thank you for giving attention to this letter.
Sincerely, a citizen. (And then this: you sign! Feel free to remain anonymous.) "
format for those not close an account that their savings and leave a monthly minimum liquidity on their current account:
Dear banker, my banker,
Hereby, I just wanted you to mean that "we" are becoming better informed about what "you" make our money, prennons increasingly aware of the absurdity of the current system and that we are less divided than you might think ...
We decided to take our destiny into our savings accounts terminating your private bank investment toxic to invest this money in the intrinsic values. Allow a minimum of liquidity in our accounts in protest as this system can not clearly and seriously reformed.
The first act will be marginal, but it will intensify.
Together and united under the one banner:
(more info and participation:)
I sincerely invite you to join us in our effort that you know more than anyone that there is something in the chaotic paradigm of virtual bubbles ...
Thank you for giving attention to this mail.
Sincerely, a citizen. (And then this: you sign! Feel free to remain anonymous.) "
This text is duty free diffusion, and related public initiative inspired bankrun of December 7, 2010 ...
"A revolution is under political or social movement politics bringing, or attempting to induce a sudden change in depth and in the political structure and social d a state, which occurs when a group of rebels against the authorities in place and takes or attempts to seize power. The term revolution can ... be used by a government as revolutionary to describe all of its policies, although its takeover is completed and effective. By extension, we call revolution (overthrow, etymologically) any change or innovation that overturns the established order in a radical way in any field (the heliocentric theory is thus considered a scientific revolution). "(Wiki)
Collective StopBanque / Equidémos :
Executive Director: Peter Barbera, Laurent Brunet, Bruno Le Calvez, Julien. ............................................... .................................................. .................................................. ................
Response to the bizarre campaign of demonization of Indy Media assumes that the judge thought police and citizens
"Since a few days circulating on various sites to a call empty your bank accounts in a collective THE CALL "bankrun2010" in partnership with the site "stop the bank, launched by a woman named Geraldine Feuillien intent may seem laudable."
StopBanque : This is wrong , There is no collective bankrun2010 but just one site, "stop the bank" is not a site but a blog: "Stopbanque" written by two-Barbera and Pierre Laurent Brunet.
"Except that behind some speeches presented as challenging the established order, we still have a related matter very near al'extrême right conspiracy and conspiracy Franco Belgian linked to unsavory people, people like the sites of extreme right "we are changing" the small group of far-right French Alain Soral "equality and reconciliation" and that of Franco American "solidarity and progress by Jacques Cheminade and Lyndon Larouche. "
StopBanque : StopBanque The collective does not recognize the partisan divide" UMPS ". While remaining open to participation by all as a free citizen. A collaboration based on the concept equity.
StopBanque partner but is independent of Bankrun2010. The collective
StopBanque said they had never received any directives Bankrun2010 and creator of the facebook event has written on the blog Stopbanque.
The group has asked your reporter to provide facts, evidence from our membership or our relationship with mobilities of the extreme right.
"Geraldine Feuillien also writes regularly on the site also" stop the bank "full of apologies Blog conspiratorial sects" new age "responsible for scams of all kinds is also close to the 'zeitgeist movement', yet the sect "new age" founded by an American named Peter Joseph about as delusional as the fuzzy heavily tinted theses most ambiguous, the usual trend. "
StopBanque : StopBanque The group say they have never Bankrun2010 received directives and no creator of the facebook event has written on the blog.
"But we also find Geraldine Feuillien writing on many sites and forums of the far-right movement soralienne or conspiratorial , as on this site the French extreme right screenshot SUPPORT Alain Soral or she pleased to be a "resistant".
Worse still was the Links section of the site "Stop the bank" partner Blankrun 2010 (Bankrun, at least understand what you write, please) we find the still of course, facing a catalog of sites of extreme right (Stopbanque not recognize any partisan division)
"Links to understand and contribute to the debate" see screenshots
page where we still find links to the website of the French fascist movement Alain Soral and "equality and reconciliation" in the near fascist activist Dieudonne
creator alongside the small group of Soral racist "party Anti Zionist links to other sites conspiracy. And other activists of extreme right movements are well known. Or else on this page of their site, clearly and prominently on their "News" an article and a link to the site of extreme right "AlterInfo" convicted three times in France for advocating and disseminating Text deniers / p / news-info-and-actualites.html
True to these tactics and big strings usual right-wing conspiratorial can find on this page is a real can of worms, a few links to anti-globalization left or the radical left, story by adding a layer in the design confusionism unhealthy and try to trick us into flour, and make us believe that there would "common cause" with the people in our struggles and share what is inconceivable "
Stopbanque : You have apparently not examined the "record", because otherwise you would have understood that we recognize no partisan division, is what today is the cleavage Left / Right Or Globalist / Alter-Globalist? In a real concern for honesty, clarity, transparency, it seems essential that the citizen can get an opinion from all possible sources.
We see that you do not play this "game": are you trying to cheat your readers?
Your strings are even bigger, if we find any mistakes, rude, your credibility will be harmed. Your guesses, omissions seem your volunteers.
"We are witnessing the still has a fresh attempt to rough handling and recovery of right-wing conspiracy theorists and their allies, who believe in appropriating social theories that will never be theirs, to disseminate their messages and their arguments as unhealthy as racist. "
StopBanque : Many errors are present in your article, we refute all your accusations, statements, analysis, views and value judgments.
Our approach is Legal, Liberal, Pacific, Lay, Apolitical and non-unionized.
The collective StopBanque dissociates itself from calls for violence and "hate" on banks and any other subject! fight democratically And all those that call into question the integrity of individuals representing the "system" and / or banks and the physical assets of these various institutions!
I ask you to provide us proof of your accusations.
This article undermines our honor and integrity, by declaring us "fascists", please check your information before to publish your articles, we ask you to correct your statement or withdraw your articles.